1990 |
Lopez, Antonio M Jr and Carl M Vogel |
SOCRATES: Undergraduate Research in AI Educational and Training Technology International, 27(1), pp79-84. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1355800900270110 |
1991 |
Popowich, Fred and Carl Vogel |
A Logic Based Implementation of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming, V.III, pp227-146 |
1994 |
Hewson, Claire and Carl Vogel |
Psychological Evidence for Assumptions of Path-Based Inheritance Reasoning Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp409-414 |
1994 |
Vogel, Carl and Tomaz Erjavec |
Restricted Discontinuous Phrase Structure Grammar and its Ramifications Current Issues in Mathematical Linguistics, pp131-140 |
1995 |
Vogel, Carl and Robin Cooper |
Robust Chart Parsing with Mildly Inconsistent Feature Structures Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming. Working Papers in Cognitive Science, Volume 10, pp197-216 |
1996 |
Hewson, Claire and Dianna Laurent and Carl Vogel |
Proper Methodologies for Psychological andSociological Experiments Administered via Internet Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 28(2), pp186-191. DOI: http:/doi.org/10.3758/BF03204763 |
1996 |
Vogel, Carl M. and Ulrike Hahn and Holly Branigan |
Cross-Serial Dependencies Are Not Hard to Process COLING`96 Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, pp157-162 |
1996 |
Vogel, Carl |
Human Reasoning with Negative Defaults Practical Reasoning, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1085, pp606-621. DOI: http:/doi.org/10.1007/3-540-61313-7_104 |
1996 |
Vogel, Carl and Judith Tonhauser |
Psychological Constraints on Plausible Default Inheritance Reasoning Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Representation, KR`96, pp608-619. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/ |
1997 |
Eberle, Kurt and Carl Vogel |
Constructing Compact Representations of Ambiguous Language Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing |
1997 |
Healey, Pat and Carl Vogel |
Dressing Dialog for Success Proceedings of the Munich Workshop on Formal Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialog., pp82-99 |
1997 |
Vogel, Carl and Fred Popowich |
A Parametric Definition for a Family of Inheritance Reasoners New Generation Computing, 15(3), pp247-292. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF03037948 |
1998 |
Ulrike Hahn and Carl Vogel |
Notes on Lawgicism: Formalization and Legal Knowledge European Journal of Law, Philosophy and Computer Science, 1-2, pp331-344 |
1998 |
Jonathan Ginzburg, Zurab Khasidashvili, Carl Vogel, Jean-Jacques Levy, and Enric Vallduvi (eds.) |
The Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation: Selected Papers |
1998 |
Carl Vogel |
A Generalizable Semantics for an Inheritance Reasoner. The Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation: Selected Papers, pp103-121 |
1999 |
Vogel, Carl and Jonathan Ginzburg |
A Sketch of a Theory of Situated Modality Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Computational Semantics, pp416-419 |
2000 |
Vogel, Carl, Villada, Begona |
Spanish Psychological Predicates Grammatical Interfaces in Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, pp251-266 |
2001 |
Vogel, Carl |
Dynamic semantics for metaphor Metaphor and Symbol, 16(1 & 2), pp59-74. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1207/S15327868MS1601&2_5 |
2001 |
Appel, Christine and Carl Vogel |
Investigating Syntax Priming in a E-Mail Tandem Language Learning Environment C.A.L.L. --- The Challenge of Change: Research and Practice, pp177-184 |
2002 |
Vogel, Carl and Michelle McGillion |
Genericity is Conceptual, Not Semantic Seventh Symposium on Logic and Language |
2003 |
Van Gijsel, Sofie and Carl Vogel |
Inducing a Cline from Corpora of Polit ical Manifestos International Symposium on Information and Communication Techno logies, pp297 - 303 |
2003 |
Claire Hewson, Peter Yule, Dianna Laurent and Carl Vogel |
Internet Research Methods: A Practical Guide for the Social and Behavioural Sciences . DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09504120310497870 |
2003 |
O'Brien, Cormac and Carl Vogel |
Spam Filters: Bayes vs. Chi-Squared; Letters vs. Words International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies, pp298-303 |
2003 |
Buckley, Maria and Carl Vogel |
Improving Internet Research Methods: A Web Laboratory Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2003, pp467-476 |
2003 |
Devitt, Ann and Carl Vogel |
Using Wordnet hierarchies topinpoint differences in related texts Proceedings of EUROLAN 2003,Ontologies, and Information Extraction International Workshop, pp37-44 |
2004 |
Cormac O'Brien and Carl Vogel |
Comparing SpamAssassin with CBDF email filtering Proceedings of the 7th Annual CLUK Research Colloquium, pp188-192 |
2004 |
Foster, Jennifer and Carl Vogel |
Parsing Ill-Formed Text Using an Error Grammar Artificial Intelligence Review, 21(3), pp269-291. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/B:AIRE.0000036259.68818.1e |
2004 |
Devitt, Ann and Carl Vogel |
The Topology of WordNet: Some Metrics Second International Wordnet Conference, pp106-111 |
2005 |
Murphy, Brian and Carl Vogel |
A Comparative Evaluation of UNLParticipant Relations Using a Five-Language Parallel Corpus Universal NetworkLanguage: Advances in Theory and Applications. Research in Computer Science: Volume 12, pp64-76 |
2006 |
Carl Vogel and Justin Woods |
A Platform for Simulating Language Evolution Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIII, pp360-373 |
2006 |
Aoife Aherne and Carl Vogel |
Wordnet Enhanced Automatic Crossword Generation Proceedings of the Third International Wordnet Conference, pp139-145 |
2006 |
Krugman, Daniel and Vogel, Carl |
Non-Local Contexts Help Resolve Ambiguity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp738-747 |
2007 |
Carl Vogel |
Corpus Homogeneity and Bernoulli Schema Mining Massive Data Sets for Security: NATO Advanced Study Institute, pp93-94 |
2007 |
Brian Murphy and Carl Vogel |
Statistically-constrained shallow text marking: techniques, evaluation paradigm and results Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents IX;, 6505, pp65050Z . DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.713355 |
2007 |
Brian Murphy and Carl Vogel |
The syntax of concealment: reliable methods for plain text information hiding Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents IX;, 6505, pp65050Y . DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.713357 |
2007 |
Gerard Lynch and Carl Vogel |
Automatic Character Assignation Twenty-seventh SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, pp335-348. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-84800-094-0_25 |
2007 |
Carl Vogel |
N-gram Distributions in Texts as Proxy for Textual Fingerprints Fundamentals of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication and the Biometric Issue, pp189-194 |
2007 |
Healey, Patrick G. T., Carl Vogel and Arash Eshgi |
Group Dialects in an Online Community The 10th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, pp141-147 |
2007 |
Carl Vogel and Sandrine Brisset |
Hearing Voices in the Poetry of Brendan Kennelly Belgian Journal of English Language and Literatures, 5, pp1-16 |
2008 |
Carl Vogel and Gerard Lynch |
Computational Stylometry: Who's in a Play Verbal and Nonverbal Features of Human-Human and Human-Machine Interaction, 5042/2008, pp169-186. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-70872-8_13 |
2008 |
Carl Vogel, Gerard Lynch and Jerom Janssen |
Universum Inference and Corpus Homogeneity Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXV, pp367-372. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-84882-171-2_29 |
2008 |
John Tobin and Carl Vogel |
A User-Extensible and Adaptable Parser Architecture Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXV, pp191-204. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2008.10.011 |
2008 |
Francesca Frontini, Gerard Lynch and Carl Vogel |
Revisiting The Donation of Constantine Style in Text: Creative Generation and Identification of Authorship. AISB 2008 Proceedings, Volume 7, pp1-9 |
2008 |
Vogel, Carl |
Metaphor is Generic Sentiment Analysis: Emotion, Metaphor, Ontology and Terminology EMOT 2008 |
2009 |
Tobin, J., Vogel, C. |
A user-extensible and adaptable parser architecture Knowledge-Based Systems, 22(7), pp516-522. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2008.10.011 |
2009 |
Baoli Li, Martin Emms, Saturnino Luz, and Carl Vogel |
Exploring multilingual semantic role labeling Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2009): Shared Task, pp73-78. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3115/1596409.1596422 |
2009 |
Julie Carson-Berndsen, Harold Somers, Carl Vogel and Andy Way |
Integrated Language Technology as part of Next Generation Localisation Localisation Focus: The International Journal of Localisation, 8(1), pp53-66 |
2009 |
Carl Vogel and Jerom Janssen |
Emoticonsciousness Multimodal Signals: Cognitive and Algorithmic Issues, pp271-287. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-00525-1 |
2009 |
Baoli Li and Carl Vogel |
Leveraging Sub-class Partition Information in Binary Classification and Its Application Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVI, pp299-304 |
2009 |
Carl Vogel |
Law Matters, Syntax Matters and Semantics Matters Formal Linguistics and Law, pp25-54 |