The Edges code (provided in Edges.cpp) runs the following demos:
Roberts Edge Detection:
Sobel Edge Detection:
Second Derivative (Laplacian of Gaussian):
Multispectral edge detection using Canny:
Image Sharpening:
Line segment extraction:
Hough transformation:
Copyright © 2025 Wiley & Kenneth Dawson-Howe. Unless indicated otherwise, the rights to the materials presented here are held by Wiley and/or Kenneth Dawson-Howe. All rights reserved with the following exceptions:
- Permission is granted to reuse the code presented here for teaching purposes subject to the textbook ("A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with OpenCV" by Kenneth Dawson-Howe, Wiley 2014.) being included as a recommended text on any associated course, and to an appropriate copyright notice being reproduced along with the material.