1967 |
F. Neelamkavil |
Sensitivity Analysis in Multivariable System Design IEE Electronic Letters, 3(9), pp404-405 |
1968 |
F. Neelamkavil |
Reducibility of Multivariable Systems Proceedings of IEEE, 3, pp354-355 |
1969 |
F. Neelamkavil |
Computation of Transition Matrix Proceedings of IEEE, 57(11), pp2079-2080 |
1971 |
F. Neelamkavil |
Quantitative Methods in Educational Planning Proc of the Operations Research Society of Ireland, National Conference |
1972 |
Neelamkavil F. |
Mathematical Models in Educational Planning Proc Of the Third Congress of Bulgarian Mathematicians |
1976 |
M. Hennessy and E. A. Ashcroft. |
The semantics of nondeterminism. Third International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, pp478-493 |
1976 |
Ahmad K.,Corbett G. G. and Colenso M. |
On the Teaching of Russian Numerals by using on-line Computers Assoc. Ling. and Lit. Computer Bull, 6, pp235-241 |
1976 |
Haslett, J. |
Control of a multipurpose reservoir Advances in Applied Probability, 8(3), pp592-609 |
1977 |
M. C. B. Hennessy and E. A. Ashcroft. |
Parameter-passing mechanisms and nondeterminism Ninth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, pp306-311. DOI: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/800105.803420 |
1977 |
D.P. Mc Carthy |
The Optimal Algorithm to Evaluate xn using Elementary Multiplication Methods Mathematics of Computation, 31, pp251-256 |
1977 |
Hand, F.; Asare, B.; Haslett, J. |
Domestic hot water and solar-energy in Ireland International Journal of Energy Research, 1(3), pp249-257 |
1977 |
Haslett, J.; Lowe, W.J. |
Household Structure and Overcrowding among Lancashire Irish - 1851-1871 Histoire Sociale-Social History, 9(17), pp45-58 |
1978 |
Ahmad K.,Corbett G. G., and Edwards J.M. |
Development in CAL for Russian Russian Language Journal, 32, pp37-42 |
1979 |
M. C. B. Hennessy and G. D. Plotkin |
Full abstraction for a simple parallel programming language Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science , 74, pp108-120. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-09526-8_8 |
1979 |
Ahmad K. and Rogers M.A. |
GERAD: An adjective morphology teaching program Journal of Computer Based Instruction, 6, pp55-59 |
1979 |
F. Neelamkavil |
Computation of Material Requirements for Production Planning BIT, 19(1), pp34-38 |
1979 |
Moss W.D., Knowles P.R. and Ahmad K. |
CAL Packages for Civil Engineering Hydraulics and Structure Design Computers and Education, 3, pp391-399 |
1979 |
Haslett, J.; Kelledy E. |
Assessment of Actual Wind Power-Availability in Ireland International Journal of Energy Research, 3(4), pp333-348 |
1979 |
Haslett, J. |
Diffusion-Model for the Storage of Solar Thermal-Energy Journal of the Operational Research Society, 30(5), pp433-438 |
1980 |
Matthew C. B. Hennessy. |
A proof system for the first-order relational calculus. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 20(1), pp96-110. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0022-0000(80)90007-0 |
1980 |
M. C. B. Hennessy. |
The semantics of call-by-value and call-by-name in a nondeterministic environment. SIAM Journal on Computing, 9(1), pp67-84. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/0209005 |
1980 |
Matthew C. B. Hennessy and Gordon D. Plotkin |
A term model for CCS Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science , 88, pp261-274. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BFb0022510 |
1980 |
Matthew C. B. Hennessy and Robin Milner. |
On observing nondeterminism and concurrency. Automata, Languages and Programming, 7th Colloquium, 85, pp299-309. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-10003-2_79 |
1980 |
M. C. B. Hennessy and E. A. Ashcroft. |
A mathematical semantics for a nondeterministic typed lambda-calculus. Theoretical Computer Science, 11(3), pp227-245 |
1980 |
F. Neelamkavil |
Simplification of Linear Dynamic Models for Computer Control Applied Mathematical Modelling, 4, pp477-478 |
1980 |
Jeremy Jones |
Towards a HLL Orientated Microprocessor Instruction Set Euromicro Journal |
1980 |
J. D. Neelamkavil, F. Neelamkavil |
Computer Aided Production Planning in a Tyre Factory Economic computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 14(3), pp91-103 |
1980 |
Francis Neelamkavil |
Computation of Generalised Inverse of a Special Class of Matrices Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 6, pp411-413 |
1980 |
F. Neelamkavil |
Simulation of Operating System - A Functional Flow Chart ACMOperating Systems Review, 14(3), pp16-21 |
1980 |
Haslett, J.; Hand, F. P. |
Models in solar water heating--a critical comparison European Journal of Operational Research, 4(1), pp1-6. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0377-2217(80)90032-6 |
1981 |
Matthew Hennessy. |
A term model for synchronous processes. Information and Control, 51(1), pp58-75. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0019-9958(81)90082-6 |
1981 |
Francis Neelamkavil |
Simulation of Manufacturing Systems Proc. of UKSC Conference on Computer Simulation, Science &Technology Press, pp90-96 |
1981 |
Francis Neelamkavil |
Simulation of Operating Systems ACM SIMULETTER, 12(1-4), pp86-91 |
1981 |
Francis Neelamkavil |
Triangularisation of Very Large Nilpotent Matrices Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 81A(2), pp237-249 |
1981 |
Ahmad K. and Rogers M.A. |
Development of Teaching Packages for Undergraduate Students of German , pp253-263 |
1981 |
Francis Neelamkavil |
Error Control in the Numerical Inversion of the Eigenvector Matrix ACM SIGNUM, 16(1) |
1981 |
Ahmad K. and Corbett G. G. |
Bilingual Terminals: Input and Output in Cyrillic and Roman Scripts , pp237-252 |
1981 |
Francis Neelamkavil |
Current Issues in Computer Modelling and Simulation Proc of the Workshop on Current Developments in Operations Research |
1981 |
Ahmad K., Moss W.D. and Knowles P.R. |
Simulation, Modelling and Computer Graphics in Undergraduate Engineering Education , pp43-64 |
1981 |
Haslett, J.; Kelledy, E. |
A note on the use of the models in the estimation of wind power availability Wind Engineering, 5(1), pp6-11 |
1981 |
Haslett, J.; Carlin, J. |
A simple model for the probability distribution of wind power with applications to large scale electricity generation Wind Engineering, 5(2), pp115-132 |
1981 |
Haslett, J., Diesendorf, M |
The capacity credit of wind power: A theoretical analysis Solar Energy , 26(5), pp391-401. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-092X(81)90218-8 |
1981 |
Haslett, J. |
The effect of dispersal on the capacity value of wind power Wind Engineering, 5(1), pp1-5 |
1982 |
Matthew Hennessy. |
Powerdomains and nondeterministic recursive definitions. international symposium on programming, 137/1982, pp178-193. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-11494-7_13 |
1982 |
Grimson, J. |
Design implications for database management systems supporting hospital information systems Proc. Medical Informatics Europe, MIE 82, pp1-6 |
1982 |
Jeremy Jones |
A Pascal Orientated Microprogrammed Processor Proceedings 4th International Workshop on High Level Language Computer Architecture |
1982 |
Grimson, J. |
An efficient deadlock-free algorithm for handling concurrent update in databases Proc. 2nd British National Conference on Databases, pp109-121 |
1982 |
N. Harris, C. Horn, S. Baker, P. Duggan, D. Lyons, B. Tangney |
Co-ordinated Decentralised Computer Systems , 82, pp777-783 |
1982 |
Ahmad K., Scott R.A. and Sur M. |
Stochastic Modelling on AP-120B - an application to water resources planning Computer Physics Communications, 27, pp91-95 |
1982 |
D. J. Daley and J. Haslett |
A thermal energy storage process with controlled input Advances in Applied Probability, 14(2), pp257-271 |