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Year Authors Title
  1982 N. Harris, C. Horn, S. Baker, P. Duggan, D. Lyons, B. Tangney Co-ordinated Decentralised Computer Systems , 82, pp777-783
  1988 B. Tangney, S. Crane, F. Lynch, A. O'Toole, and N.R. Harris Primitives for Coarse-Grained Parallelism in an Object-Oriented Language BISL CONPAR Conference
  1988 B. Tangney and D. O'Mahony. Local Area Networks and their Applications , pp246
  1988 B. Tangney, S. Crane, F. Lynch, A. O'Toole, and N.R. Harris Multiprocessors and Multiprocessing in a Distributed System IEEE Workshop on Distributed Computing in the '90s
  1990 McGrath, P., Tangney, B., SCRABBLE - A Distributedh Application With an Emphasis on Continuity SOFTWARE ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 5, pp160-164
  1991 B. Tangney and A. O'Toole An Overview of Load Balancing in Amadeus ISMM Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, pp144-146
  1991 Tangney, Brendan, Cahill, Vinny, Horn, Chris, Herity, Dominic, Judge, Alan, Starovic, Gradimir, Sheppard, Mark Some ideas on support for fault tolerance in COMMANDOS, an object oriented distributed system Operating Systems Review (ACM), 25(2), pp130-135. DOI:
  1991 B. Tangney, V. Cahill, C. Horn, D. Herity, A. Judge, G. Starovic and M. Sheppard Some Ideas on Support for Fault Tolerance in Comandos, an Object Oriented Distributed System , 25(2), pp70-76
  1992 Vinny Cahill, Seán Baker, Brendan Tangney, Chris Horn, and Neville Harris. On object orientation as a paradigm for general purpose distributed operating systems. 5th ACM SIGOPS European workshop, pp11-17.
  1992 V. Cahill, S. Baker, B. Tangney, C. Horn, N. Harris On Object Orientation as a Paradigm for General Purpose Distributed Operating Systems
  1992 Yvon Gourhant, Sylvain Louboutin, Vinny Cahill, Andrew Condon, Gradimir Starovic, and Brendan Tangney Dynamic clustering in an objectoriented distributed system. OLDA-II (Objects in Large Distributed Applications), , pp56-62
  1992 Y. Gourhant, S. Louboutin, V. Cahill, A. Condon, G. Starovic, B. Tangney Dynamic Clustering in an Object Oriented Distributed Systems OLDA-II Workshop
  1993 V. Cahill, R. Balter, X. R. del Pino, N. Harris Implementing the Comandos Virtual Machine Interface The COMANDOS Distributed Application Platform, pp158-208
  1994 Vinny Cahill, Christine Hogan, Alan Judge, Darragh O'Grady, Brendan Tangney, and Paul Taylor. Extensible systems - the Tigger approach. 6th workshop on ACM SIGOPS European workshop, pp151-153. DOI:
  1994 Martin O'Connor, Brendan Tangney, Vinny Cahill and Neville Harris Micro-kernel Support for Migration Distributed Systems Engineering Journal, 1(4), pp212-223
  1994 Tangney, B., Condon, A., Cahill, V., and Harris, N. Requirements for parallel programming in object-oriented distributed systems. Computer Journal, 37(6), pp499-508. DOI:
  1994 V. Cahill, C. Hogan, A. Judge, D. O Grady, B. Tangney, P. Taylor. 6th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop
  1995 Gradimir Starovic, Vinny Cahill, and Brendan Tangney. An event based object model for distributed programming OOIS (Object Oriented Information), pp72-86.
  1995 G. Starovic, V. Cahill, B. Tangney An event based object model for distributed programming , pp72-88
  1995 Karl O'Connell, Vinny Cahill, Andrew Condon, Stephen McGerty, Gradimir Starovic, and Brendan Tangney. The VOID shell: A toolkit for the development of distributed video games and virtual worlds. Workshop on Simulation and Interaction in Virtual Environments, pp172-177
  1995 S. Barrett and B. Tangney Aspects: Composing cscw applications. Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Object Oriented Information . DOI:
  1996 Karl O'Connell, Tom Dinneen, Stephen Collins, Brendan Tangney, Neville Harris, and Vinny Cahill. Techniques for handling scale and distribution in virtual worlds. 7th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, pp17-24. DOI:
  1996 K. O'Connell, T. Dineen, S. Collins, B. Tangney, N. Harris, and V. Cahill Techniques for Handling Scale and Distribution in Virtual Worlds 7th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop
  1996 K. O'Connell, V. Cahill, A. Condon, S. McGerty, G. Starovic and B. Tangney The VOID Shell a toolkit for the development of Distributed Video Games and Virtual Worlds Workshop on Simulation and Interaction in Virtual Environments
  1997 Cahill V, Nixon P, Tangney B, Rabhi F Object models for distributed or persistent programming Computer Journal, 40(8), pp513-527. DOI:
  1998 S. Barrett, B. Tangney and V. Cahill Constructing Distributed Groupware Systems 8th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop. ACM SIGOP
  1998 Stephen Barrett and Brendan Tangney and Vinny Cahill Constructing Distributed Groupware Systems: a walk on the Wilde side Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGOPS European workshop on Support for composing distributed applications, pp138-145. DOI:
  1999 Alan Judge, Paddy Nixon, Brendan Tangey, Stefan Weber and Vinny Cahill Distributed Shared Memory High Performance Cluster Computing, pp409-438
  2000 S. Barrett, B. Tangney. Wilde: An Open Systems Paradigm for Groupware. The 2000 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, (PDPTA'2000), pp100-105
  2000 S. Barrett, B Tangney Separation of Concerns: Supporting Change in Groupware Design COORDINATION 2000 - Fourth International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages, pp329-334
  2000 Stephen Barrett and Brendan Tangney Wilde: Supporting Change in Groupware Coordination Languages and Models, pp329-334
  2000 FitzGibbon, A., Drury, C., Oldham, E., Tangney, B. A Hero's Journey: Introducing Modular In-Service Courses in IT SITE 2000. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 1
  2000 Tangney, B., Holmes, B., FitzGibbon, A. Teaching "Computers & Society" - The Medium and The Message M/SET-2000 Conference. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
  2001 Meehan, S., Holmes, B., Tangney, B. Who wants to be a teacher? An exploration of the theory of Communal Constructivism at the chalk face Teacher Development, 5(2), pp177-190. DOI:
  2001 Mc Kibben, D., & McDonald, S., Holmes, B., Tangney, B. Reflections on the Impact of ICT on Teacher Education 12th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE 2001)
  2001 Jones, C., Freeman, E., Tangney, B. By Their Deeds Shall Ye Know Them....Teaching to the Test Annual UK Conference of the The Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education Conference, pp29-30
  2001 Mc Kibben, D., & McDonald, S., Holmes, B., Tangney, B. Reflections on the Impact of ICT on Teacher Education
  2001 Tangney, B., Arnedillo Sánchez, I., Brophy, C., Benson, L., Lysaght, Z., Holmes, B. Reflections on Reflections: A Communal Constructivist Approach to Evaluation of an ICT Intervention Annual UK Conference of the The Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education Conference, pp51-52
  2001 Freeman, E., Hinostroza, E., Guzman, A., Tangney, B. ICT Policies and Evaluation: An ongoing international cross analysis Annual Conference of the Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education
  2002 S. Weber, P. Nixon, B. Tangney. A Framework for Distributed Shared Memory Concurrency Practice and Experience, 14(1), pp33-55
  2002 Jennings, K., Tangney, B. Ninth International Technological Directions in Music Learning Conference (TDML) Drumsteps - A Percussion MicroEnvironment
  2002 Domhnall O Suibhne, Brendan Tangney Using ICT as a Tool to Monitor How Children Use ICT Annual UK Conference of the Association for Information Technology for Teacher Education
  2002 Freeman, E., Hinostroza, E., Tangney, B. Building and Empowering Education Policy: A Time for ACTION Annual UK Conference of the Association for Information Technology for Teacher Education, pp38-39
  2002 Kelly, D., Tangney, B. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) 6'th International Conference, Incorporating Learning Characteristics into an Intelligent Tutor
  2002 Arnedillo Sánchez, I., Tangney, B. Webbing Evaluations: A Web-based Artefact to Enhance Shared and Collective Knowledge Construction in Evaluation Processes Annual Conference of the Association for Information Technology for Teacher Education
  2003 Kelly, D., Tangney, B World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (EDMedia) A Framework for using Multiple Intelligences in an ITS
  2003 Savage, T., Arnedillo Sánchez, I., O'Donnell, F., Tangney, B. Using Robotic Technology as a Constructionist Mindtool in Knowledge Construction IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). DOI:

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