1982 |
N. Harris, C. Horn, S. Baker, P. Duggan, D. Lyons, B. Tangney |
Co-ordinated Decentralised Computer Systems , 82, pp777-783 |
1988 |
B. Tangney, S. Crane, F. Lynch, A. O'Toole, and N.R. Harris |
Primitives for Coarse-Grained Parallelism in an Object-Oriented Language BISL CONPAR Conference |
1988 |
B. Tangney and D. O'Mahony. |
Local Area Networks and their Applications , pp246 |
1988 |
B. Tangney, S. Crane, F. Lynch, A. O'Toole, and N.R. Harris |
Multiprocessors and Multiprocessing in a Distributed System IEEE Workshop on Distributed Computing in the '90s |
1989 |
Crane, S., Moreau, J., Tangney, B. |
1990 |
McGrath, P., Tangney, B., |
SCRABBLE - A Distributedh Application With an Emphasis on Continuity SOFTWARE ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 5, pp160-164 |
1991 |
B. Tangney and A. O'Toole |
An Overview of Load Balancing in Amadeus ISMM Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, pp144-146 |
1991 |
Tangney, Brendan, Cahill, Vinny, Horn, Chris, Herity, Dominic, Judge, Alan, Starovic, Gradimir, Sheppard, Mark |
Some ideas on support for fault tolerance in COMMANDOS, an object oriented distributed system Operating Systems Review (ACM), 25(2), pp130-135. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/122120.122139 |
1991 |
B. Tangney, V. Cahill, C. Horn, D. Herity, A. Judge, G. Starovic and M. Sheppard |
Some Ideas on Support for Fault Tolerance in Comandos, an Object Oriented Distributed System , 25(2), pp70-76 |
1992 |
Vinny Cahill, Seán Baker, Brendan Tangney, Chris Horn, and Neville Harris. |
On object orientation as a paradigm for general purpose distributed operating systems. 5th ACM SIGOPS European workshop, pp11-17. |
1992 |
V. Cahill, S. Baker, B. Tangney, C. Horn, N. Harris |
On Object Orientation as a Paradigm for General Purpose Distributed Operating Systems |
1992 |
Yvon Gourhant, Sylvain Louboutin, Vinny Cahill, Andrew Condon, Gradimir Starovic, and Brendan Tangney |
Dynamic clustering in an objectoriented distributed system. OLDA-II (Objects in Large Distributed Applications), , pp56-62 |
1992 |
Y. Gourhant, S. Louboutin, V. Cahill, A. Condon, G. Starovic, B. Tangney |
Dynamic Clustering in an Object Oriented Distributed Systems OLDA-II Workshop |
1993 |
V. Cahill, R. Balter, X. R. del Pino, N. Harris |
Implementing the Comandos Virtual Machine Interface The COMANDOS Distributed Application Platform, pp158-208 |
1994 |
Vinny Cahill, Christine Hogan, Alan Judge, Darragh O'Grady, Brendan Tangney, and Paul Taylor. |
Extensible systems - the Tigger approach. 6th workshop on ACM SIGOPS European workshop, pp151-153. DOI: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/504390.504432 |
1994 |
Martin O'Connor, Brendan Tangney, Vinny Cahill and Neville Harris |
Micro-kernel Support for Migration Distributed Systems Engineering Journal, 1(4), pp212-223 |
1994 |
Tangney, B., Condon, A., Cahill, V., and Harris, N. |
Requirements for parallel programming in object-oriented distributed systems. Computer Journal, 37(6), pp499-508. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/37.6.499 |
1994 |
1994 |
V. Cahill, C. Hogan, A. Judge, D. O Grady, B. Tangney, P. Taylor. |
6th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop |
1995 |
Gradimir Starovic, Vinny Cahill, and Brendan Tangney. |
An event based object model for distributed programming OOIS (Object Oriented Information), pp72-86. |
1995 |
G. Starovic, V. Cahill, B. Tangney |
An event based object model for distributed programming , pp72-88 |
1995 |
Karl O'Connell, Vinny Cahill, Andrew Condon, Stephen McGerty, Gradimir Starovic, and Brendan Tangney. |
The VOID shell: A toolkit for the development of distributed video games and virtual worlds. Workshop on Simulation and Interaction in Virtual Environments, pp172-177 |
1995 |
S. Barrett and B. Tangney |
Aspects: Composing cscw applications. Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Object Oriented Information . DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-1009-5_5 |
1996 |
Karl O'Connell, Tom Dinneen, Stephen Collins, Brendan Tangney, Neville Harris, and Vinny Cahill. |
Techniques for handling scale and distribution in virtual worlds. 7th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, pp17-24. DOI: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/504450.504454 |
1996 |
K. O'Connell, T. Dineen, S. Collins, B. Tangney, N. Harris, and V. Cahill |
Techniques for Handling Scale and Distribution in Virtual Worlds 7th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop |
1996 |
K. O'Connell, V. Cahill, A. Condon, S. McGerty, G. Starovic and B. Tangney |
The VOID Shell a toolkit for the development of Distributed Video Games and Virtual Worlds Workshop on Simulation and Interaction in Virtual Environments |
1997 |
Cahill V, Nixon P, Tangney B, Rabhi F |
Object models for distributed or persistent programming Computer Journal, 40(8), pp513-527. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/40.8.513 |
1998 |
1998 |
S. Barrett, B. Tangney and V. Cahill |
Constructing Distributed Groupware Systems 8th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop. ACM SIGOP |
1998 |
Stephen Barrett and Brendan Tangney and Vinny Cahill |
Constructing Distributed Groupware Systems: a walk on the Wilde side Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGOPS European workshop on Support for composing distributed applications, pp138-145. DOI: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/319195.319216 |
1999 |
Alan Judge, Paddy Nixon, Brendan Tangey, Stefan Weber and Vinny Cahill |
Distributed Shared Memory High Performance Cluster Computing, pp409-438 |
2000 |
S. Barrett, B. Tangney. |
Wilde: An Open Systems Paradigm for Groupware. The 2000 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, (PDPTA'2000), pp100-105 |
2000 |
S. Barrett, B Tangney |
Separation of Concerns: Supporting Change in Groupware Design COORDINATION 2000 - Fourth International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages, pp329-334 |
2000 |
Stephen Barrett and Brendan Tangney |
Wilde: Supporting Change in Groupware Coordination Languages and Models, pp329-334 |
2000 |
FitzGibbon, A., Drury, C., Oldham, E., Tangney, B. |
A Hero's Journey: Introducing Modular In-Service Courses in IT SITE 2000. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 1 |
2000 |
Tangney, B., Holmes, B., FitzGibbon, A. |
Teaching "Computers & Society" - The Medium and The Message M/SET-2000 Conference. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education |
2001 |
Meehan, S., Holmes, B., Tangney, B. |
Who wants to be a teacher? An exploration of the theory of Communal Constructivism at the chalk face Teacher Development, 5(2), pp177-190. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13664530100200141 |
2001 |
Mc Kibben, D., & McDonald, S., Holmes, B., Tangney, B. |
Reflections on the Impact of ICT on Teacher Education 12th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE 2001) |
2001 |
Jones, C., Freeman, E., Tangney, B. |
By Their Deeds Shall Ye Know Them....Teaching to the Test Annual UK Conference of the The Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education Conference, pp29-30 |
2001 |
Mc Kibben, D., & McDonald, S., Holmes, B., Tangney, B. |
Reflections on the Impact of ICT on Teacher Education |
2001 |
Tangney, B., Arnedillo Sánchez, I., Brophy, C., Benson, L., Lysaght, Z., Holmes, B. |
Reflections on Reflections: A Communal Constructivist Approach to Evaluation of an ICT Intervention Annual UK Conference of the The Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education Conference, pp51-52 |
2001 |
Freeman, E., Hinostroza, E., Guzman, A., Tangney, B. |
ICT Policies and Evaluation: An ongoing international cross analysis Annual Conference of the Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education |
2002 |
S. Weber, P. Nixon, B. Tangney. |
A Framework for Distributed Shared Memory Concurrency Practice and Experience, 14(1), pp33-55 |
2002 |
Jennings, K., Tangney, B. |
Ninth International Technological Directions in Music Learning Conference (TDML) Drumsteps - A Percussion MicroEnvironment |
2002 |
Domhnall O Suibhne, Brendan Tangney |
Using ICT as a Tool to Monitor How Children Use ICT Annual UK Conference of the Association for Information Technology for Teacher Education |
2002 |
Freeman, E., Hinostroza, E., Tangney, B. |
Building and Empowering Education Policy: A Time for ACTION Annual UK Conference of the Association for Information Technology for Teacher Education, pp38-39 |
2002 |
Kelly, D., Tangney, B. |
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) 6'th International Conference, Incorporating Learning Characteristics into an Intelligent Tutor |
2002 |
Arnedillo Sánchez, I., Tangney, B. |
Webbing Evaluations: A Web-based Artefact to Enhance Shared and Collective Knowledge Construction in Evaluation Processes Annual Conference of the Association for Information Technology for Teacher Education |
2003 |
Kelly, D., Tangney, B |
World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (EDMedia) A Framework for using Multiple Intelligences in an ITS |
2003 |
Savage, T., Arnedillo Sánchez, I., O'Donnell, F., Tangney, B. |
Using Robotic Technology as a Constructionist Mindtool in Knowledge Construction IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icalt.2003.1215105 |