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Year Authors Title
  2018 Ka Lung Ng, Hiu Ying Pun, Aastha Sharma, Stefan Weber, Eamonn O’ Nuallain, The Impact of Controller Placement in an Open Flow Wide Area Network Journal of Information Sciences and Computing Technologies, 7(2), pp683-692
  2017 Saman Feghhi, Douglas J. Leith Time and Place: Robustness of a Traffic Analysis Attack Against Web Traffic IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC). DOI:
  2016 Arellano, Dahyot, R. Robust Ellipse Detection With Gaussian Mixture Models Pattern Recognition, 58(1), pp12-26. DOI:
  2013 Deng, Y., Hennessy, M. Compositional reasoning for weighted Markov decision processes Science of Computer Programming . DOI:
  2003 A. Kokaram, R. Dahyot, F. Pitie and H. Denman Simultaneous Luminance and Position Stabilization for Film and Video Visual Communications and Image Processing. DOI:
  2016 Ademar Crotti Junior, Christophe Debruyne, Rob Brennan, Declan O’Sullivan FunUL: A Method to Incorporate Functions into Uplift Mapping Languages 18th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS 2016), pp40-48. DOI:
  2019 Ahmad, K., Pogorelov, K., Riegler, M., (...), Conci, N., Dahyot, R. Automatic detection of passable roads after floods in remote sensed and social media data Signal Processing: Image Communication, 74, pp110-118
  2019 Albluwi, F., Krylov, V.A., Dahyot, R. Super-Resolution on Degraded Low-Resolution Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks European Signal Processing Conference 2019-
  2019 Aljuaidi, R., Su, J., Dahyot, R. Mini-Batch VLAD for Visual Place Retrieval 30th Irish Signals and Systems Conference, pp8904931
  2013 Bernardi, G., Hennessy, M. Mutually testing processes (extended abstract) 24th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR 2013, 8052, pp61-75. DOI:
  2005 C. Upton and G. Doherty Designing Usable Decision Support Systems for HVM Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Factory Automation, pp459-466. DOI:
  2019 Carl Vogel and Anna Esposito Advancing and Validating Models of Cognitive Architecture 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), pp61-66. DOI:
  2019 Carl Vogel and Anna Esposito Linguistic and Behaviour Interaction Analysis within Cognitive Infocommunications 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), pp47-52. DOI:
  2012 Cormac Hampson, Maristella Agosti, Nicola Orio, Eoin Bailey, Seamus Lawless, Owen Conlan, Vincent Wade The CULTURA Project: Supporting Next Generation Interaction with Digital Cultural Heritage Collections EUROMED 2012, 7616/2012, pp668-675. DOI:
  2012 Cormac Hampson, Seamus Lawless, Eoin Bailey, Sivan Yogev, Naama Zwerdling, David Carmel, Owen Conlan, Alex O'Connor, Vincent... CULTURA: A Metadata-Rich Environment to Support the Enhanced Interrogation of Cultural Collections 6th Metadata and Semantics Research Conference, pp227-238. DOI:
  2004 D. Lewis, T. O'Donnell, K. Feeney, A. Brady, V. Wade Managing User-centric Adaptive Services for Pervasive Computing IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing, pp248-255. DOI:
  2012 Deng, Y., Hennessy, M. Compositional reasoning for Markov decision processes Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , 7141 , pp143-157. DOI:
  2013 Deng, Y., van Glabbeek, R., Hennessy, M., Morgan, C. Real-reward testing for probabilistic processes Theoretical Computer Science , 538, pp16–36. DOI:
  2014 Feeney, K.C., O'Sullivan, D., Tai, W., Brennan, R. Improving curated web- data quality with structured harvesting and assessment International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 10(2), pp35-62. DOI:
  2013 G Pierantoni, B. Coghlan, E. Kenny, P. Gallagher, D Perez-Suarez, Extending the Sheba Propagation Model to Reduce Parameter-Related Uncertainties Journal of Computer Science, 14(2). DOI:
  2000 G.Doherty and L.Watts Perceptual-Motor Performance Issues in the MagicBoard Scenario Continuous Interaction Workshop, ACM CHI 2000 Workshops, ACM, The Hague, April 2000
  1999 G.Doherty and M.Massink Continuous Interaction and Human Control European Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control
  2001 G.Doherty, T. Rist and M. Wilson Information Representations for Shared Communication Spaces Mobile HCI '01
  2019 Grogan, M., Dahyot, R. L2 Divergence for robust colour transfer Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 181, pp39-49
  2007 Guilherme Raimundo, João P. Cabral, Celso Melo, Luís C. Oliveira, Ana Paiva, Isabel Trancoso Telling Stories with a Synthetic Character: Understanding Inter-modalities Relations COST Action 2102 International Workshop on Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Behaviours, 4775, pp310-323. DOI:
  2019 Haider, F., Akira, H., Vogel, C., Campbell, N., Luz, S. 2 Analysing patterns of right brain-hemisphere activity prior to speech articulation for identification of system-directed speech Speech Communication, 18(25), pp1-. DOI:
  2013 Hajebi, S. , Barrett, S. , Clarke, A. , Clarke, S Multi-agent simulation to support water distribution network partitioning 27th Annual European Simulation and Modelling Conference, ESM 2013, pp163-168
  2003 J. Campos and G. Doherty Reasoning about Dynamic Information Displays Proceedings of Interactive Systems, Design Specification and Verification, pp288-302. DOI:
  2004 J. O'Brien, D. Remenyi, A. Keaney Historiography - A Neglected Research Method in Business and Management Studies Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 2(2), pp135-144
  2014 Jennings, B., Feeney, K., Fleck II, J.J. Managing federations and cooperative management Journal of Network and Systems Management, 22(3), pp297-301. DOI:
  2012 Jennings, B., Feeney, K., Fleck II, J.J. Managing federations and cooperative management: A report on ManFed.Com 2011 Journal of Network and Systems Management, 20(1), pp143-148. DOI:
  2021 José Monreal Bailey, Hadi Tabatabaee Malazi, Siobhán Clarke Smoothing speed variability in age-friendly urban traffic management International Conference on Computational Science. DOI:
  2008 K. Ruhland, S. Bioletti, M. Sedlmair and C. O'Sullivan LibViz: Data Visualisation of the Old Library 14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia dedicated to Digital Heritage, pp368-373. DOI:
  2006 Khurshid Ahmad, Lee Gillam and David Cheng Sentiments on a Grid: Analysis of Streaming News and Views Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation (ISBN 2-9517408-2-4), pp2517-2520
  2014 Koidl, K., Conlan, O., Wade, V. Cross-site personalization: Assisting users in addressing information needs that span independently hosted websites HT 2014, pp66-76. DOI:
  2019 Krylov, V.A., Dahyot, R. Object Geolocation from Crowdsourced Street Level Imagery European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 11329, pp79-83
  2015 Leahy D, Dolan D, Wilson D THE EVOLUTION OF A EUROPEAN E-COMPETENCE FRAMEWORK IADIS International Conference Information Systems, pp137-144
  2006 Linda E. Doyle, Anil C. Kokaram, Senan J. Doyle, and Timothy K. Forde Ad hoc Networking, Markov Random Fields, and Decision Making IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 23(5), pp63-73. DOI:
  2009 Lotze, J., Fahmy, S.A., Noguera, J., (...), Doyle, L., Esser, R. Development framework for implementing FPGA-based cognitive network nodes GLOBECOM - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference . DOI:
  2021 Lutz, Sebastian; Smolic, Aljosa Foreground color prediction through inverse compositing Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2021 (WACV 2021), 2021., pp 1610-1619
  2017 M. Barry, K. Doherty, J. Marcano Belisario, J. Car, C. Morrison and G. Doherty m-Health for Maternal Mental Health: Everyday wisdom in Ethical Design Proceedings of ACM CHI 2017 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp2708-2720. DOI:
  2008 M.Matthews, G. Doherty, D. Coyle and J. Sharry Designing Mobile Applications to support Mental Health Interventions Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology, pp635-656
  2014 Macaluso, I., Cornean, H., Marchetti, N., Doyle, L. Complex communication systems achieving interference-free frequency allocation 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014, pp1447-1452. DOI:
  2016 Marinov, M., Nash, N., Gregg, D. Practical Algorithms for Finding Extremal Sets Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 21(2), pp1.9-. DOI:
  2014 McMenamy, J., Macaluso, I., Marchetti, N., Doyle, L. A methodology to help operators share the spectrum through an enhanced form of Carrier Aggregation 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, DYSPAN 2014, pp334-345. DOI:
  2013 Meschiari, L. , Harris, C. , Clarke, S. Analysis of approaches to coordinated charging of electric vehicles on the distribution grid 2nd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems, pp95-98
  2012 Mohan, M., Bhattacharya, A., Bouroche, M., Cahill, V. BLESS: A divine energy saving protocol for wireless sensor networks IFIP Wireless Days, pp6402883. DOI:
  2021 O’Dwyer, Néill; Zerman, Emin; Young, Gareth W; Smolic, Aljosa; Dunne, Siobhán; Shenton, Helen Volumetric Video in Augmented Reality Applications for Museological Narratives: A user study for the Long Room in the Library of Trinity College Dublin Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, Forthcoming., pp20 pages
  2012 Owen Conlan, Cormac Hampson, Kevin Koidl, Stefan. Göbel, Florian Mehm Realizing Just-in-Time Personalization - A Technology Overview An Alien's Guide to Multi-Adaptive Educational Computer Games, pp105-121
  2007 P. Hicks, J. Grimson, Ireland Solas and Áit Eile 5WSCM - 5th World Summit on Children and Media, Media and Children’s Health and Wellness, Innovations and Special Projects

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