2004 |
Alan Gray and Mads Haahr |
Personalised, Collaborative Spam Filtering First Conference on Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS) |
2024 |
Alberto Rojas-Salazar and Mads Haahr |
The Effect of Educational Video Game Perceptual Realism on Learning Outcomes and Motivation Proceedings of IEEE Gaming, Entertainment and Media (GEM) Conference. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/GEM61861.2024.10585393 |
2023 |
Alberto Rojas-Salazar and Mads Haahr |
Educational Video Game for Learning Binary Search Tree Joint Conference on Serious Games (JCSG), 14309, pp426-432. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44751-8_38 |
2023 |
Alberto Rojas-Salazar and Mads Haahr |
The CLG Framework: A Methodical Approach to Designing Educational Video Games Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO 2023), pp254-270. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-7353-8_20 |
2020 |
Alberto Rojas-Salazar and Mads Haahr |
Learning Binary Search Trees through Serious Games based on Analogies Foundations of Digital Games (FDG 2020) |
2020 |
Alberto Rojas-Salazar and Mads Haahr |
Theoretical Foundations and Evaluations of Serious Games for Learning Data Structures and Recursion: A Review Joint Conference on Serious Games (JCSG)(12434), pp135-149. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-61814-8_11 |
2020 |
Alberto Rojas-Salazar and Mads Haahr |
DS-Hacker: Teaching Data Structures and Algorithms Through Analogical Representations in the Game Environment and Game Mechanics Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA), pp1-2 |
2023 |
Alberto Rojas-Salazar, Joel Rojas-Salazar and Mads Haahr |
Evaluating Learning Outcomes and Intrinsic Motivation: A Case Study of DS-Hacker 3D Joint Conference on Serious Games (JCSG), 14309, pp314-327. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44751-8_24 |
2020 |
Alberto Rojas-Salazar, Paula Ramírez-Alfaro and Mads Haahr |
Learning Binary Search Trees through Serious Games First International Computer Programming Education Conference (ICPEC 2020), pp22:1-22:7. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4230/OASIcs.ICPEC.2020.22 |
2015 |
Alper Gungormusler, Natasa Paterson-Paulberg, Mads Haahr |
barelyMusician: An Adaptive Music Engine For Video Games Audio Engineering Society 56th International Conference: Audio for Games |
2022 |
Anna Rezk and Mads Haahr |
Beyond free will: Understanding approaches to agency and their suitability for Bandersnatch-like titles Entertainment Computing (Elsevier), 43(100500), pp1-11. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.entcom.2022.100500 |
2020 |
Anna Rezk and Mads Haahr |
The Case for Invisibility: Understanding and Improving Agency in Black Mirrors Bandersnatch and Other Interactive Digital Narrative Works International Conference for Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS), 12497, pp178-189. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62516-0_16 |
2011 |
Aoife Healy, Kieran Moran, Jane Dickson, Cillian Hurley, C Smeaton, Noel E O'Connor, P Kelly, Mads Haahr and N Chockalingam |
Analysis of the 5 iron golf swing when hitting for maximum distance Journal of Sports Sciences, 29(10), pp1079-1088. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2011.576693 |
2007 |
Atul Singh and Mads Haahr |
Decentralized Clustering in Pure P2P Overlay Networks Using Schelling's Model IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007), pp1860-1866. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icc.2007.310 |
2006 |
Atul Singh and Mads Haahr |
Creating an Adaptive Network of Hubs Using Schelling's Model Communications of the ACM, 49(3), pp69-73. DOI: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1118178.1118204 |
2006 |
Atul Singh and Mads Haahr |
A Peer-to-Peer Reference Architecture First ACM/IEEE International Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and MiddlewaRE (COMSWARE). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/comswa.2006.1665164 |
2005 |
Atul Singh and Mads Haahr |
Creating an Adaptive Network of Hubs Using Schelling's Model IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Self-Managed Systems & Services. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1118178.1118204 |
2020 |
Barbara De Kegel and Mads Haahr |
Procedural Puzzle Generation: A Survey IEEE Transactions on Games, 12(1), pp21-40. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TG.2019.2917792 |
2019 |
Barbara De Kegel and Mads Haahr |
Towards Procedural Generation of Narrative Puzzles for Adventure Games Interntional Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS), 11869(11869), pp241-249 |
2015 |
Bertrand Lucat and Mads Haahr |
Ideological Narratives of Play in Tropico 4 and Crusader Kings II Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) |
2015 |
Bertrand Lucat and Mads Haahr |
What Makes a Successful Emergent Narrative: The Case of Crusader Kings II International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, pp259-266 |
2002 |
Biegel G, Cahill V, Haahr M |
A dynamic proxy based architecture to support distributed Java objects in a mobile environment On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2002: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE, 2519(2002), pp809-826. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-36124-3_54 |
1999 |
Christian Jensen and Mads Haahr |
Towards a Security Framework for Ad Hoc Applications 2nd Workshop in Distributed Object Security |
2003 |
Cunningham, Pádraig and Mowlan, Niamh and Delany, Sarah Jane and Haahr, Mads |
A case-based approach to spam filtering that can track concept drift The ICCBR03 Workshop on Long-Lived CBR Systems, pp115-123 |
2010 |
Elizabeth Daly and Mads Haahr |
The Challenges of Disconnected Delay-Tolerant MANETs Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier), 8(2), pp241-250. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.adhoc.2009.08.003 |
2009 |
Elizabeth Daly and Mads Haahr |
Social Network Analysis for Information Flow in Disconnected Delay-Tolerant MANETs IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 8(5), pp606-621. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TMC.2008.161 |
2007 |
Elizabeth Daly and Mads Haahr |
Social Network Analysis for Routing in Disconnected Delay-Tolerant MANETs The Eighth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc 2007), pp32-40. DOI: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1288107.1288113 |
2005 |
Elizabeth Daly, Alan Gray and Mads Haahr |
On Using Profiles to Create Self-Organizing Peer-To-Peer Networks First International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Ubiquitous Computing (TSPUC 2005), pp588-592. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/WOWMOM.2005.72 |
2002 |
Elizabeth Drew and Mads Haahr |
Lessness:Randomness, Consciousness and Meaning Consciousness Reframed 2002: 4th International CAiiA-STAR Research Conference |
2023 |
Eva Veldhuizen-Ochodnicanová, Roisin Cotton, Charlene Putney, Maggie Brennan and Mads Haahr |
The Use of Serious Games in Knowledge- and Skills-Based Digital Counselling: Applications to Trafficking in Persons in the War in Ukraine Joint Conference on Serious Games (JCSG), 14309, pp290-298. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44751-8_22 |
2002 |
Greg Biegel, Vinny Cahill and Mads Haahr |
A Dynamic Proxy-Based Architecture to Support Distributed Java Objects in a Mobile Environment International Symposium of Distributed Objects and Applications (DOA), 2519, pp809-826 |
1999 |
Haahr, Mads and Cahill, Vinny and Jul, Eric |
Interfacing real and virtual environments Multi-User Object-Oriented Environments Workshop, pp84-85. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-46589-8 |
1999 |
Haahr, Mads and Cahill, Vinny and Jul, Eric |
Real + virtual = clever: thoughts on programming smart environments Managing Interactions in Smart Environments (MANSE), pp175-186 |
2000 |
Haahr, Mads and Cunningham, Raymond and Cahill, Vinny |
Towards a generic architecture for mobile object-oriented applications IEEE Workshop on Service Portability and Virtual Customer Environments (SerP), pp91-96. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/spvce.2000.934166 |
2000 |
Haahr, Mads and Meier, René and Cahill, Vinny and Jul, Eric |
Filtering and scalability in the ECO distributed event model 5th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems (PDSE), pp83-95. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/PDSE.2000.847853 |
2015 |
Hartmut Koenitz, Gabriele Ferri, Mads Haahr, Di dem Sezen and Tonguç brahim Sezen |
Introduction: Perspectives on Interactive Digital Narrative Interactive Digital Narrative: History, Theory and Practice, pp17-24 |
2015 |
Hartmut Koenitz, Gabriele Ferri, Mads Haahr, Digdem Sezen and Tonguç Ibrahim Sezen |
Introduction: Beyond the Holodeck: A Speculative Perspective on Future Practices Interactive Digital Narrative: History, Theory and Practice, pp153-158 |
2015 |
Hartmut Koenitz, Gabriele Ferri, Mads Haahr, Digdem Sezen and Tonguç Ibrahim Sezen |
Introduction: A concise history of interactive digital narrative Interactive Digital Narrative: History, Theory and Practice, pp9-21 |
2015 |
Hartmut Koenitz, Gabriele Ferri, Mads Haahr, Digdem Sezen, Tonguç Ibrahim Sezen |
Introduction: The Evolution of Interactive Digital Narrative Theory Interactive Digital Narrative: History, Theory and Practice, pp67-76 |
2015 |
Hartmut Koenitz, Gabriele Ferri, Mads Haahr, Digdem Sezen, Tonguc Sezen |
Interactive Digital Narrative: History, Theory and Practice , pp1-286 |
2015 |
Hartmut Koenitz, Gabriele Ferri, Mads Haahr, Digdem Sezen, Tonguc Sezen |
Towards a Ludonarrative Toolbox Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) |
2013 |
Hartmut Koenitz, Mads Haahr, Gabriele Ferri and Tonguc Ibrahim Sezen |
First Steps Towards a Unified Theory for Interactive Digital Narrative Springer LNCS: Transactions on Edutainment, 7775, pp20-35. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-37919-2_2 |
2011 |
Hartmut Koenitz, Mads Haahr, Gabriele Ferri and Tonguc Sezen |
Towards a Unified Theory for Interactive Digital Storytelling - Classifying Artifacts: A Workshop at ICIDS 2011 Interactive Storytelling, pp360-361. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-25289-1_49 |
2010 |
Hartmut Koenitz, Mads Haahr, Gabriele Ferri, and Tonguc Ibrahim Sezen |
Towards a shared vocabulary for interactive digital storytelling: a workshop at ICIDS 2010 Proceedings of the Third joint conference on Interactive digital storytelling (ICIDS'10), pp293-294 |
2009 |
Hartmut Koenitz, Mads Haahr, Gabriele Ferri, and Tonguc Ibrahim Sezen |
Do We Need a New Narratology for Interactive Digital Storytelling? A Workshop on Theory at ICIDS 2009 Proceedings of the 2nd Joint International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling: Interactive Storytelling (ICIDS '09), pp354-355 |
2015 |
Hartmut Koenitz, Mads Haahr, Gabriele Ferri, Tonguc Ibrahim Sezen, and Digdem Sezen |
The Ontology Project for Interactive Digital Narrative LNCS 9445: Interactive Storytelling, pp397-399 |
2013 |
Hartmut Koenitz, Mads Haahr, Gabriele Ferri, Tonguc Ibrahim Sezen, and Digdem Sezen |
Mapping the Evolving Space of Interactive Digital Narrative - From Artifacts to Categorizations Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8230, pp55-60. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-02756-2_6 |
2018 |
Hartmut Koenitz, Teun Dubbelman, Noam Knoller, Christian Roth, Mads Haahr, Digdem Sezen, and Tonguc Ibrahim Sezen |
Card-Based Methods in Interactive Narrative Prototyping LNCS 11318: Interactive Storytelling, pp552-555. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-04028-4 |
2006 |
J. Keeney, V. Cahill, M. Haahr |
Techniques for Dynamic Adaptation of Mobile Services The Handbook of Mobile Middleware, pp363-384 |
2010 |
Jan Sacha, Bartosz Biskupski, Dominik Dahlem, Raymond Cunningham, René Meier, Jim Dowling and Mads Haahr |
Decentralising a Service-Oriented Architecture Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (Springer), 3(4), pp323-350. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12083-009-0062-6 |