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Year Authors Title
  2005 A.A. Torrance Modelling Abrasive Wear Wear, 258, pp281-293
  2014 Abar, S., Lemarinier, P., Theodoropoulos, G.K., Ohare, G.M.P. Automated dynamic resource provisioning and monitoring in virtualized large-scale datacenter Proceedings - International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA, pp961-970
  2017 Abar, S., Theodoropoulos, G.K., Lemarinier, P., O'Hare, G.M.P. Agent Based Modelling and Simulation tools: A review of the state-of-art software Computer Science Review, 24, pp13-33
  2013 Abdalla, S., Swords, D., Sandygulova, A., O'Hare, G.M.P., Giorgini, P. BarterCell: An agent-based bartering service for users of pocket computing devices Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8062 LNAI, pp236-245
  2012 Abdel-Naby, S., Sandygulova, A., Zlydareva, O., O'Hare, G.M.P. Investigating agent-based mobile service applications integration with reliable wireless communications IFIP Wireless Days
  2014 Álvarez, M.X., Sánchez, M., Zlydareva, O., O'Hare, G.M.P., O'Grady, M.J. Guidelines and challenges towards the implementation of intelligent sensing techniques in a water quality prediction application SENSORNETS 2014 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sensor Networks, pp428-431
  2016 Amato, G., Bacciu, D., Chessa, S., Dragone, M., Gallicchio, C., Gennaro, C., Lozano, H., Micheli, A., O¿Hare, G.M.P., Renter... A benchmark dataset for human activity recognition and ambient assisted living Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 476, pp1-9
  2012 Amato, G., Broxvall, M., Chessa, S., Dragone, M., Gennaro, C., López, R., Maguire, L., Mcginnity, T.M., Micheli, A., Renteri... Robotic UBIquitous COgnitive Network Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 153 AISC, pp191-195
  2011 Angove, P., O'Grady, M., Hayes, J., O'Flynn, B., O'Hare, G.M.P., Diamond, D. A mobile gateway for remote interaction with wireless sensor networks IEEE Sensors Journal, 11(12), pp3309-3310
  2008 Artikis, A., O'Hare, G.M.P., Stathis, K., Vouros, G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4995 LNAI
  2014 Bedri, Z., Corkery, A., O'Sullivan, J.J., Alvarez, M.X., Erichsen, A.C., Deering, L.A., Demeter, K., O'Hare, G.M.P., Meijer, ... An integrated catchment-coastal modelling system for real-time water quality forecasts Environmental Modelling and Software, 61, pp458-476
  2016 Bedri, Z., Corkery, A., O'Sullivan, J.J., Deering, L.A., Demeter, K., Meijer, W.G., O'Hare, G., Masterson, B. Evaluating a microbial water quality prediction model for beach management under the revised EU Bathing Water Directive Journal of Environmental Management, 167, pp49-58
  2015 Bedri, Z., O'Sullivan, J.J., Deering, L.A., Demeter, K., Masterson, B., Meijer, W.G., O'Hare, G. Assessing the water quality response to an alternative sewage disposal strategy at bathing sites on the east coast of Ireland Marine Pollution Bulletin, 91(1), pp330-346
  2002 Bertolotto, M., O'Hare, G., Strahan, R., Brophy, A., Martin, A., McLoughlin, E. Bus catcher: A context sensitive prototype system for public transportation users WISE 2002 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering Workshops, pp64-72
  2006 Bordini, R.H., Braubach, L., Dastani, M., El Fallah Seghrouchni, A., Gomez-Sanz, J.J., Leite, J., O'Hare, G., Pokahr, A., Ric... A survey of programming languages and platforms for multi-agent systems Informatica (Ljubljana), 30(1), pp33-44
  2005 Brady, S., Dunne, L.E., Tynan, R., Diamond, D., Smyth, B., O'Hare, G.M.P. Garment-based monitoring of respiration rate using a foam pressure sensor Proceedings - International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC, 2005, pp214-215
  2010 Brennan, A., O'Grady, M.J., O'Hare, G.M.P. Simulating interaction with wireless sensor networks 2010 International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, CISIM 2010, pp279-282
  2016 Byrne, C., Collier, R., O¿Grady, M., O¿Hare, G.M.P. User interface design for ambient assisted living systems Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9749, pp35-45
  2013 Camoana, T., O'Hare, G.M.P. Intellectus: Multi-hop fault detection methodology 2013 International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking, MoWNeT 2013, pp112-119
  2015 Campana, T., O'Hare, G.M.P. Intellectus: Multi-Hop fault detection methodology Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation, 12, pp171-190
  2013 Campana, T., O'Hare, G.M.P. Intellectus: Network topology and connectivity control 2013 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems, ANTS 2013
  2013 Campana, T., O'Hare, G.M.P. Intellectus: Multi-hop fault detection methodology evaluation Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST, pp81-90
  2013 Campana, T., O'Hare, G.M.P. An evaluation of intellectus WSN monitoring and debugging tool using the indriya testbed Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery, CyberC 2013, pp383-391
  2013 Campana, T., O'Hare, G.M.P. Intellectus: Intelligent sensor motes in wireless sensor network SENSORNETS 2013 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sensor Networks, pp125-132
  2012 Campbell, A., Collier, R., Dragone, M., Görgü, L., Holz, T., O'Grady, M.J., O'Hare, G.M.P., Sassu, A., Stafford, J. Facilitating ubiquitous interaction using intelligent agents Studies in Computational Intelligence, 396, pp303-326
  2013 Campbell, A.G., Carr, D., Görgü, L., Lillis, D., Kroon, B., O'Hare, G.M.P. SIXTH middleware for sensor web enabled AR applications 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2013
  2013 Campbell, A.G., Görgü, L., Kroon, B., Lillis, D., Carr, D., O'Hare, G.M.P. Giving mobile devices a SIXTH sense: Introducing the SIXTH middleware for Augmented Reality applications 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2013, pp245-246
  2014 Campbell, A.G., Stafford, J.W., Holz, T., O'Hare, G.M.P. Why, when and how to use augmented reality agents (AuRAs) Virtual Reality, 18(2), pp139-159
  2015 Cao, N., Higgs, R., O¿Hare, G.M. Intelligent evaluation models based on different routing protocols in wireless sensor networks Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 331, pp197-209
  2014 Cao, N., Higgs, R., O'Hare, G.M.P. Simulation-based coverage optimization for the nearest closer protocol in wireless sensor networks Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery, CyberC 2014, pp357-360
  2012 Cao, N., Higgs, R., O'Hare, G.M.P. An intelligent evaluation model based on the LEACH protocol in wireless sensor networks Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery, CyberC 2012, pp381-388
  2014 Cao, N., Higgs, R., O'Hare, G.M.P., Wu, R. Lifetime and reliability evaluation models based on the nearest closer protocol in wireless sensor networks 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, FedCSIS 2014, pp993-1000
  2014 Cao, N., Higgs, R., Ohare, G.M.P. Intelligent evaluation models based on the single-hop protocol in wireless sensor networks Proceedings - 2014 IEEE 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, IEEE WAINA 2014, pp239-244
  2020 Caroline A. Byrne, Michael O’Grady, Rem Collier, Gregory M. P. O’Hare An Evaluation of Graphical Formats for the Summary of Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Healthcare, 8, pp1-41. DOI:
  2013 Carr, D., O'Grady, M.J., O'Hare, G.M.P., Collier, R. SIXTH: A middleware for supporting ubiquitous sensing in personal health monitoring Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, 61, pp421-428
  2012 Carr, D., Russell, S., Pete, B., O'Hare, G.M.P., Collier, R.W. Bogtrotters in space Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7217 LNAI, pp197-207
  1987 Casey, C., Adewumi, A.O., Hart, A., O'Hare, G. Experience in introducing sixth formers to concepts of artificial intelligence Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 3(1), pp13-22
  2007 Chen, X., O'Grady, M.J., O'Hare, G.M.P. Towards a pervasive mobile multimedia experience Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, CISIM 2007, pp209-212
  2019 Christopher J. Matheus, Aidan Boran, Dominic Carr, Rem W. Collier, Barnard Kroon, Olga Murdoch, David Lillis, Michael J. O'Gr... Semantic network management for next¿generation networks Computational Intelligence, 35(2), pp285--309. DOI:
  2003 Collier, R., O'Hare, G., Lowen, T., Rooney, C. Beyond prototyping in the factory of agents Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science), 2691, pp383-393
  2005 Collier, R., Ross, R., O'Hare, G.M.P. Realising reusable agent behaviours with ALPHA Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 3550 LNAI, pp210-215
  2005 Collier, R., Ross, R., O'Hare, G.M.P. A role-based approach to reuse in agent-oriented programming AAAI Fall Symposium - Technical Report, pp47-54
  2004 Collier, R.W., O'Grady, M.J., O'Hare, G.M.P., Muldoon, C., Strahan, R., Tong, Y. Self-organisation in agent-based mobile computing International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA, 15, pp764-768
  2014 Delaney, D.T., Higgs, R., O'Hare, G.M.P. A stable routing framework for tree-based routing structures in WSNs IEEE Sensors Journal, 14(10), pp3533-3547
  2014 Delaney, D.T., O¿hare, G.M.P. Modelling the performance of a wsn with regard to the physical features exhibited by the network Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8729, pp312-324
  2009 Delaney, D.T., O'Hare, G.M.P., Ruzzelli, A.G. Evaluation of energy-efficiency in lighting systems using sensor networks BUILDSYS 2009 - Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy-Efficiency in Buildings, Held in Conjunction with ACM SenSys 2009, pp61-66
  2013 Delaney, D.T., Xu, L., O'Hare, G.M.P. Spreading the load in a tree type routing structure Proceedings - International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, ICCCN
  2009 Denby, B., Campbell, A.G., Carr, H., O'Hare, G.M.P. The LAIR: Lightweight affordable immersion room Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 18(5), pp409-411
  2009 Dobson, S., Coyle, L., O'Hare, G.M.P., Hinchey, M. From physical models to well-founded control Proceedings - 6th IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, EASe 2009, pp119-124
  2006 Doherty, B.C., O'Hare, P.T., O'Grady, M.J., O'Hare, G.M.P. Entre-pass: Personalising u-learning with intelligent agents Proceedings - Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education, WMUTE 2006, pp58-62

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