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Year Authors Title
  2008 K. Ruhland, S. Bioletti, M. Sedlmair and C. O'Sullivan LibViz: Data Visualisation of the Old Library 14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia dedicated to Digital Heritage, pp368-373. DOI:
  2011 Pražák, M., Hoyet, L., O'Sullivan, C. Perceptual evaluation of footskate cleanup SCA 2011: ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, pp287-294. DOI:
  2013 Roudaia, E., Hoyet, L., McGovern, D., O'Sullivan, C., Newell, F.N. Effects of ageing and sound on perceived timing of human interactions SAP 2013: ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, pp123. DOI:
  2014 Vicovaro, M., Hoyet, L., Burigana, L., O'Sullivan, C. Perceptual evaluation of motion editing for realistic throwing animations ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 11(2), pp10:1-10:23. DOI:
  2010 A. Gerdelan and C. O'Sullivan A Genetic-Fuzzy System for Optimising Agent Steering Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds , 21(2). DOI:
  2012 Adrian Jarabo, Tom Van Eyck, Veronica Sundstedt, Kavita Bala, Diego Gutierrez and Carol O'Sullivan Crowd Light: Evaluating the Perceived Fidelity of Illuminated Dynamic Scenes Computer Graphics Forum, 31(2), pp565-574. DOI:
  2017 Alexanderson, S. and O'sullivan, C. and Neff, M. and Beskow, J. Mimebot-investigating the expressibility of non-verbal communication across agent embodiments ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 14(4). DOI:
  2017 Alexanderson, S., O'Sullivan, C., Beskow, J. Real-time labeling of non-rigid motion capture marker sets Computers and Graphics (Pergamon), 69, pp59-67. DOI:
  2015 Aliaga, Carlos; O'Sullivan, Carol; Gutierrez, Diego; Tamstorf, Rasmus; Sackcloth or silk?: the impact of appearance vs dynamics on the perception of animated cloth ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Applied Perception, pp41-46. DOI:
  2005 Andrew Brosnan, Simon Dobbyn, John Hamill, Carol O'Sullivan Animating Humans on Handlheld Devices for Interactive Gaming 18th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents, pp55-60
  2009 Badler, N.I., O'Sullivan, C. Guest editors' introduction: Virtual populace IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 29(4), pp17-18
  2023 Bharat Vyas, Ludovic Hoyet and Carol O'Sullivan Exploring the Perception of Center of Mass changes for VR Avatars ICAT-EGVE 2023-International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, pp1-12. DOI:
  2009 Bodenheimer, B., O'Sullivan, C. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception: Guest editorial ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 6(4)
  2002 Bradshaw, G., O'Sullivan, C. Sphere-tree construction using dynamic medial axis approximation. ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Computer Animation, pp33-40. DOI:
  2000 Bradshaw, G., O'Sullivan, C. Extracting Cross-Sectional Profiles from Unorganized Point Clouds. Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM'00), pp175-180
  2011 Brian Cullen and Carol O'Sullivan Symmetry Hybrids Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging, pp33-38. DOI:
  2003 Brian MacNamee, Simon Dobbyn, Padraig Cunningham, Carol O'Sullivan Simulating Virtual Humans Across Diverse Situations Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA'03), pp159-168
  2005 Brosnan, A., Hamill, J., and O'Sullivan, C. A.. Geometry reduction for urban simulation on handheld devices Sixth Eurographics Irish Chapter Workshop on Computer Graphics (2005) , pp17-24
  2011 C. Ennis, C. Peters, C. O'Sullivan Perceptual Effects of Scene Context And Viewpoint for Virtual Pedestrian Crowds ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 8(2), pp10:1-10:22. DOI:
  2006 C. Mendoza and C. O'Sullivan Interruptible Collision detection for Deformable Objects Computer and Graphics, 30(3), pp432-438. DOI:
  2005 C. Mendoza, C. O'Sullivan Towards Time-Critical Collision Detection for Deformable Objects Based on Reduced Models International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents, pp191-194
  2009 Cani, M.-P., Pighin, F., O'Brien, J.F., O'Sullivan, C. SCA 2006 Symposium Graphical Models, 71(6)
  2002 Carol O¿Sullivan, Justine Cassell, Hannes Vilhjalmsson, John Dingliana, Simon Dobbyn, Brian McNamee, Christopher Peters, Tha... Levels of detail for crowds and groups Computer Graphics Forum, 21(4), pp733-742. DOI:
  2022 Carol O'Sullivan Augmented/mixed reality technologies for food: A review Trends in Food Science & Technology, 124, pp182--194. DOI:
  2022 Carol O'Sullivan State of the art in telepresence ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Courses. DOI:
  2009 Carol O'Sullivan Variety is the Spice of (Virtual) Life Motion in Games, 5884, pp84-93. DOI:
  2005 Carol O'Sullivan Collisions and Attention ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 2(3), pp309 - 321. DOI:
  2011 Carol O'Sullivan and Cathy Ennis Metropolis: multisensory simulation of a populated city International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-Games), pp1-7. DOI:
  2001 Carol O'Sullivan and John Dingliana Real vs. approximate collisions: when can we tell the difference ACM SIGGRAPH 2001 Sketches and Applications, pp249-249
  1999 Carol O'Sullivan, John Dingliana Real-time Collision Detection and Response using Sphere-trees Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, pp83-92
  2001 Carol O'Sullivan, John Dingliana, Fabio Ganovelli and Gareth Bradshaw T6: collision handling for virtual environments Eurographics 2001 Tutorials, pp1-35
  2003 Carol O'Sullivan, John Dingliana, Thanh Giang and Mary K. Kaiser Evaluating the visual fidelity of physically based animations ACM Transactions on Graphics, 22(3), pp527-536. DOI:
  2002 Carol O'Sullivan, Justine Cassell, Hannes Vilhjalmsson, Simon Dobbyn, Christopher Peters, William Leeson, Thanh Giang, John D... Crowd and Group Simulation with Levels of Detail for Geometry, Motion and Conversational Behaviour. Eurographics Irish Chapter Worjkshop., pp15-20
  1999 Carol O'Sullivan, Ralph Radach and Steven Collins A model of collision perception for real-time animation Computer Animation and Simulation '99, pp67-76
  2004 Carol O'Sullivan, Sarah Howlett, Yann Morvan, Rachel McDonnell and Keith O'Conor Perceptually adaptive graphics EUROGRAPHICS 2004, State of the Art Reports, pp141-164
  2012 Cathy Ennis and Carol O'Sullivan Perceptually plausible formations for virtual conversers Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CASA'12), 23(3-4), pp321-329. DOI:
  2008 Cathy Ennis, Christopher Peters and Carol O'Sullivan Perceptual Evaluation of Position and Orientation Context Rules for Pedestrian Formations ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization (APGV'08), pp75-82. DOI:
  2010 Cathy Ennis, Rachel McDonnell, Carol O'Sullivan Seeing is Believing: Body Motion Dominates in Multisensory Conversations ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2010), 29(3). DOI:
  2023 Chai, Jackey J. K., Jun-Li Xu, and Carol O¿Sullivan Real-Time Detection of Strawberry Ripeness Using Augmented Reality and Deep Learning Sensors, 23(17). DOI:
  2014 Chapiro, A., Diamanti, O., Poulakos, S., O'Sullivan, C., Smolic, A., Gross, M. Perceptual evaluation of cardboarding in 3D content visualization Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, SAP 2014, pp47-50
  2014 Chapiro, Alexandre; Diamanti, Olga; Poulakos, Steven; O'Sullivan, Carol; Smolic, Aljoscha; Gross, Markus; Perceptual evaluation of cardboarding in 3D content visualization ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP'14), pp47-50. DOI:
  2015 Chapiro, Alexandre; O'Sullivan, Carol; Jarosz, Wojciech; Gross, Markus; Smolic, Aljoscha; Stereo from Shading Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR'15, E&I track), pp1-5. DOI:
  2016 Chonhyon Park, Jan Ondřej, Max Gilbert, Kyle Freeman, Carol O'Sullivan HI Robot: Human Intention-aware Robot Planning for Safe and Efficient Navigation in Crowds IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). DOI:
  2009 Christopher Peters and Carol O'Sullivan MetroPed: A Tool for Supporting Crowds of Pedestrian AIs in Urban Environments AISB'09: Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AI and Games symp.), pp64-69
  2002 Christopher Peters and Carol O'Sullivan Synthetic Vision and Memory for Autonomous Virtual Humans Computer Graphics Forum, 21(4), pp743-752. DOI:
  2008 Christopher Peters, Cathy Ennis, Rachel McDonnell, Carol O' Sullivan Crowds in Context: Evaluating the Perceptual Plausibility of Pedestrian Orientations Eurographics 2008 Short Papers Proceedings, pp33-36
  2003 Christopher Peters, Simon Dobbyn, Brian MacNamee and Carol O'Sullivan Smart objects for attentive agents 11th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media
  2011 Cullen,B. and O'Sullivan,C. A caching approach to real-time procedural generation of cities from GIS data Journal of WSCG, 19(3), pp119-126. DOI:
  2006 Daniel Thalmann, Pablo de Heras Ciechomski, Carol O'Sullivan and Simon Dobbyn Populating Virtual Environments with Crowds Eurographics, 2, pp869-964
  1999 David Meaney, Carol O'Sullivan Heuristical Real-time Shadows Computer Animation and Simulation, pp167-176

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