2013 |
Daniel Isemann, Khurshid Ahmad, Tim Fernando, and Carl Vogel |
Temporal Dependence in Legal Documents Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL2013 - 14th International Conference, IDEAL 2013 , pp497-504. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41278-3_60 |
2017 |
David Woods, Tim Fernando, Carl Vogel |
Towards efficient string processing of annotated events Proceedings of the 13th Joint ISO-ACL Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-13), pp124-133 |
2016 |
Derek Kelleher, Tim Fernando and Carl Vogel |
Between the Event Calculus and Finite State Temporality Formal Grammar, pp112-129. DOI: http:/doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53042-9_7 |
2015 |
Derek Kelleher, Tim Fernando and Carl Vogel |
Between the Event Calculus and Finite State Temporality Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Formal Grammar, pp107-121 |
2004 |
Fernando, T. |
Inertia in temporal modification Proceedings, Fourteenth Semantic and Linguistic Theory Conference. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3765/salt.v0i0.2916 |
2004 |
Fernando, T. |
A finite-state approach to events in natural language semantics Journal of Logic and Computation, 14(1), pp79-92. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/logcom/14.1.79 |
2003 |
Fernando, T. |
Reichenbach's E, R and S in a finite-state setting Proceedings, Sinn und Bedeutung 2003 (SuB VIII), pp111-122 |
2003 |
Fernando, T. |
Causation and inertia over strings Proceedings, Fourteenth Amsterdam Colloquium, pp111-116 |
2002 |
Fernando, T. |
A finite-state approach to event semantics Proceedings, Ninth International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME-02), pp124-131. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/time.2002.1027485 |
2002 |
Fernando, T. |
Between events and worlds under historical necessity Proceedings, Seventh Symposium on Logic and Language, pp27-36 |
2002 |
Fernando, T. |
Towards a many-dimensional modal logic for semantic processing Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 3, pp139-151 |
2001 |
Fernando, T. |
A type reduction from proof-conditional to dynamic semantics Journal of Philosophical Logic, 30(2), pp121-153. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/a:1017541301458 |
2001 |
Fernando, T. |
Conservative generalized quantifiers and presupposition Proceedings, Eleventh Semantic and Linguistic Theory conference (SALT XI), pp172-191. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3765/salt.v0i0.2842 |
2001 |
Fernando, T. |
Ambiguous discourse in a compositional context: An operational perspective Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 10(1), pp63-86 |
2000 |
Fernando, T. |
Between proofs and models: presuppositions Inference in Computational Semantics (ICoS-2) |
1999 |
Fernando, T. |
Ambiguous propositions typed Proceedings, Ninth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics `99, pp86-93 |
1999 |
Fernando, T. |
Relating two theories of meaning relations Workshop on Theoretical Bases for Semantics and Pragmatics in NLP, in Conjunction with the TALN'99 conference on Natural Language Processing, Institut d'Etudes |
1999 |
Fernando, T. |
Non-monotonicity from constructing semantic representations Proceedings, Twelfth Amsterdam Colloquium, pp7-12 |
1999 |
Fernando, T. |
A modal logic for non-deterministic discourse processing Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 8(4), pp445-468 |
1998 |
Fernando, T. |
In conjunction with qualitative probability Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 92(3), pp217-234 |
1997 |
Fernando, T. |
Ambiguity under changing contexts Linguistics and Philosophy, 20(6), pp575-606 |
1996 |
Fernando, T. |
A persistent notion of truth in dynamic semantics Logic, Language and Computation, pp199-219 |
1995 |
Fernando, T. |
Computational foundations for dynamic accounts of presuppositions Workshop on Computational Logic for Natural Language Processing |
1995 |
Fernando, T. |
A logical connective for ambiguity requiring disambiguation Ellipsis, Underspecification, Events and More in Dynamic Semantics |
1995 |
Fernando, T. |
Non-monotonic consequences of preferential contextual disambiguation Proceedings Tenth Amsterdam Colloquium |
1994 |
Fernando, T. |
What is a DRS? Integrating Semantic Theories II |
1994 |
Fernando, T. |
Bisimulations and predicate logic Journal of Symbolic Logic, 59(3), pp924-944 |
1993 |
Fernando, T. |
The donkey strikes back: extending the dynamic interpretation "constructively." Proceedings, Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics `93 |
1993 |
Fernando, T. |
A higher-order extension of constraint programming in discourse analysis Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (PPCP'93) |
1993 |
Fernando, T. |
Comparative transition system semantics Computer Science Logic: Selected Papers from CSL `92, pp149-166 |
1993 |
Fernando, T. |
Generalized quantifiers as second-order programs "dynamically" speaking, naturally Proceedings, Ninth Amsterdam Colloquium |
1992 |
Fernando, T. |
Transition systems and dynamic semantics Logics in AI, pp232-251 |
1992 |
Fernando, T. |
A primitive recursive set theory and AFA: on the logical complexity of the largest bisimulation Computer Science Logic `91, pp96-110 |
1991 |
Fernando, T. |
Provably recursive programs and program extraction Proceedings, ICALP `91, pp303-313 |
1990 |
Fernando, T. |
On the logic of situation theory In Situation theory and its applications, pp97-116 |
1989 |
Fernando, T. |
On substitutional recursion over non-well-founded sets Fourth Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science |
1996 |
Fernando, T. and Kamp, H. |
Expecting Many Proceeedings, Sixth Semantic and Linguistic Theory conference, pp53-68 |
1999 |
Fernando, T., Asher, N. |
Labeled representations, underspecification and disambiguation Computing Meaning, pp73-94 |
1988 |
Leivant, D., Fernando, T. |
Meager and replete failures of relative completeness Journal of the ACM, 35(4), pp953-964 |
2012 |
Ruth Kempson, Tim Fernando, Nicholas Asher (editors) |
Philosophy of Linguistics |
2023 |
Tim Fernando |
Triadic temporal representations and deformations Natural Logic meets Machine Learning IV |
2022 |
Tim Fernando |
Action signatures and finite-state variations Annotation, Recognition and Evaluation of Actions II, pp9 |
2022 |
Tim Fernando |
Strings from neurons to language Natural Logic meets Machine Learning III, pp10 |
2020 |
Tim Fernando |
Temporal Representations with and without Points Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics 2018, pp45-66 |
2019 |
Tim Fernando |
Finite-state methods featuring semantics Tokens of Meaning, pp527-544 |
2019 |
Tim Fernando |
Pictorial Narratives and Temporal Refinement Proceedings of SALT 29 |
2019 |
Tim Fernando |
String iconicity and granularity 22nd Amsterdam Colloquium, pp10 |
2018 |
Tim Fernando |
Predications, fast and slow COMMONSENSE 2017, Thirteenth International Symposium on Commonsense Reasoning, 2052, pp1-8 |
2017 |
Tim Fernando |
Intensions, types and finite-state truth-making Modern Perspectives in Type-Theoretical Semantics, pp223-243 |
2016 |
Tim Fernando |
On regular languages over power sets Journal of Language Modelling, 4(1), pp29-56 |