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Year Authors Title
  2017 Alfredo Maldonado, Lifeng Han, Erwan Moreau, Ashjan Alsulaimani, Koel Dutta Chowdhury, Carl Vogel and Qun Liu Detection of Verbal Multi-Word Expressions via Conditional Random Fields with Syntactic Dependency Features and Semantic Re-Ranking Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2017), pp114-120
  2017 Daria Dzendzik. Alberto Poncelas, Carl Vogel, Qun Liu ADAPT Centre Cone Team at IJCNLP-2017 Task 5: A Similarity-Based Logistic Regression Approach to Multi-choice Question Answering in an Examinations Shared Task Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, Shared Tasks, pp67-72
  2017 David Woods, Tim Fernando, Carl Vogel Towards efficient string processing of annotated events Proceedings of the 13th Joint ISO-ACL Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-13), pp124-133
  2015 Liliana Mamani Sanchez and Carl Vogel A Hedging Annotation Scheme Focused on Epistemic Phrases for Informal Language Proceedings of the IWCS Workshop on Models for Modality Annotation, MOMA 2015, pp9-18
  2018 Gilmartin, Emer and Carl Vogel Chat, Chunk and Topic in Casual Conversation Proceedings 14th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation, pp45-52
  2018 Moreau, Erwan and Alsulaimani, Ashjan and Maldonado, Alfredo and Vogel, Carl CRF-Seq and CRF-DepTree at PARSEME Shared Task 2018: Detecting Verbal MWEs using Sequential and Dependency-Based Approaches Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Linguistic Annotation, Multiword Expressions and Constructions (LAW-MWE-CxG-2018), pp241-247
  2012 Lynch, Gerard and Carl Vogel Towards the automatic detection of the source language of a literary translation The 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING2012), pp775-784
  2015 Derek Kelleher, Tim Fernando and Carl Vogel Temporal Forces and Type Coercion in Strings Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing 2015 (FSMNLP 2015), pp43-52
  2013 Carl Vogel, Ger Lynch, Erwan Moreau, Liliana Mamani Sanchez and Phil Ritchie Found in translation: Computational discovery of translation effects Translation Spaces, 2(1), pp81-104. DOI:
  2017 Carmen Klaussner, Carl Vogel and Arnab Bhattacharya Detecting linguistic change based on word co-occurrence patterns HistoInformatics 2017: International Workshop on Computational History 2017, pp14-21
  2002 Vogel, Carl and Michelle McGillion Genericity is Conceptual, Not Semantic Seventh Symposium on Logic and Language
  2014 Bonin, Francesca, Emer Gilmartin, Carl Vogel and Nick Campbell Topics for the Future: Genre Differentiation, Annotation, and Linguistic Content Integration in Interaction Analysis RFMIR '14: Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on Roadmapping the Future of Multimodal Interaction Research Including Business Opportunities and Challenges, pp5-8. DOI:
  2017 Milena Ribeiro Lopes and Carl Vogel Women's Perspective on Using Tinder: A User Study of Gender Dynamics in a Mobile Device Application SIGDOC '17 Proceedings of the 35th ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication , pp10 pages. DOI:
  2012 Gerard Lynch, Erwan Moreau and Carl Vogel A Naive Bayes classifier for automatic correction of preposition and determiner errors in ESL text NAACL-HLT 2012: Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, pp257-262
  2010 Martin Bachwerk and Carl Vogel Modelling Social Structures and Hierarchies in Language Evolution Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVII, pp49-62. DOI:
  2010 Baoli Li and Carl Vogel Improving Multiclass Text Classification with Error-Correcting Output Coding and Sub-class Partitions Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Advances in Artificial Intelligence, pp4-15. DOI:
  2013 Daniel Isemann, Khurshid Ahmad, Tim Fernando, and Carl Vogel Temporal Dependence in Legal Documents Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL2013 - 14th International Conference, IDEAL 2013 , pp497-504. DOI:
  2011 Vogel, Carl Genericity and Metaphoricity Both Involve Sense Modulation Affective Computing and Sentiment Analysis: Emotion, Metaphor and Terminology, pp35-51. DOI:
  2001 Vogel, Carl Dynamic semantics for metaphor Metaphor and Symbol, 16(1 & 2), pp59-74. DOI:
  2013 Carl Vogel Attribution of Mutual Understanding Journal of Law and Policy, 21(2), pp377-420
  2015 Francesca Bonin, Nick Campbell and Carl Vogel The discourse value of social signals at topic change moments Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2015), pp1967-1971
  2018 Klaussner, Carmen and Carl Vogel Temporal predictive regression models for linguistic style analysis Journal of Language Modelling, 6(1), pp175-222
  2018 Erwan Moreau, Ashjan Alsulaimani, Alfredo Maldonado, Lifeng Han, Carl Vogel, Koel Dutta Chowdhury Semantic reranking of CRF label sequences for verbal multiword expression identification Multiword expressions at length and in depth: Extended papers from the MWE 2017 workshop, pp177-207. DOI:
  2014 Carl Vogel Denoting Offence Cognitive Computation, 6(4), pp628-639. DOI:
  2013 Erwan Moreau and Carl Vogel Weakly supervised approaches for quality estimation Machine Translation, 27(3), pp257-280. DOI:
  2013 Liliana Mamani Sanchez and Carl Vogel Emoticons Signal Expertise in Technical Web Forums Neural Nets and Surroundings, pp415-425. DOI:
  2015 Carmen Klaussner and Carl Vogel Stylochronometry: Timeline Prediction in Stylometric Analysis Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXII, pp91-106. DOI:
  2016 Carl Vogel Communication Sequences and Survival Analysis Towards Robotic Socially Believable Behaving Systems -- Volume II, pp47-59. DOI: http:/
  2018 Justine Reverdy, Akira Hayakawa and Carl Vogel Alignment in a Multimodal Interlingual Computer-Mediated Map Task Corpus Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Workshop on Language and body in real life & Multimodal Corpora 2018. , pp55-59
  2012 Martin, Carmel M., Carl Vogel, Deidre Grady, Atieh Zarabzadeh, Lucy Hederman, John Kellett, Kevin Smith and Brendan O'Shea Implementation of complex adaptive chronic care: the Patient Journey Record System (PaJR) Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 18(6), pp1226-1234. DOI:
  2003 O'Brien, Cormac and Carl Vogel Spam Filters: Bayes vs. Chi-Squared; Letters vs. Words International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies, pp298-303
  2003 Van Gijsel, Sofie and Carl Vogel Inducing a Cline from Corpora of Polit ical Manifestos International Symposium on Information and Communication Techno logies, pp297 - 303
  1998 Carl Vogel A Generalizable Semantics for an Inheritance Reasoner. The Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation: Selected Papers, pp103-121
  1998 Jonathan Ginzburg, Zurab Khasidashvili, Carl Vogel, Jean-Jacques Levy, and Enric Vallduvi (eds.) The Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation: Selected Papers
  2013 Carmel M. Martin, Carl Vogel, Lucy Hederman, Kevin Smith, Atieh Zarabzadeh, Deirdre Grady, and Jing Su Avoidable Hospitalizations in Older Adults: Applying Complexity Science Principles and Machine Learning Approaches Handbook of Systems and Complexity in Health, pp445-465. DOI:
  2016 Carl Vogel Quantifying mutual understanding 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, pp295-297
  2019 Lopes, Milena and Vogel, Carl Is Your Application Gender Biased? International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, 7(12), pp103-122
  2014 Moreau, Erwan and Vogel, Carl Limitations of MT Quality Estimation Supervised Systems: The Tails Prediction Problem Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers, pp2205-2216
  2013 Kelleher, Derek and Carl Vogel Finite State Temporality and Context-Free Languages 10th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2013), pp335--339
  2008 Francesca Frontini, Gerard Lynch and Carl Vogel Revisiting The Donation of Constantine Style in Text: Creative Generation and Identification of Authorship. AISB 2008 Proceedings, Volume 7, pp1-9
  2022 Olga Shevleva, Gennaro Cordasco, Carl Vogel and Anna Esposito On features and measures of psychological wellbeing Journal of Health Sciences Studies, 2(1), pp1-34
  2018 Gilmartin, Emer and Brendan Spillane and Christian Saam and Carl Vogel and Nick Campbell and Vincent Wade Stitching together the conversation - considerations in the design of extended social talk 9th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SPOKEN DIALOGUE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY (IWSDS2018)
  2004 Cormac O'Brien and Carl Vogel Comparing SpamAssassin with CBDF email filtering Proceedings of the 7th Annual CLUK Research Colloquium, pp188-192
  2004 Devitt, Ann and Carl Vogel The Topology of WordNet: Some Metrics Second International Wordnet Conference, pp106-111
  2013 Baoli Li and Carl Vogel ECOC Classification with Sub-Class Partition Information ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, 4(5), pp1443-1449
  2012 Stephanie Steinmetz, Lars Kaczmirek, Pablo de Pedraza, Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Kea Tijdens, Katja Lozar Manfreda, Lilly Rowland, ... WebDataNet: A network on web-based data collection, methodological challenges, solutions and implementation International Journal of Internet Science, 7(1), pp79-89
  2014 Stephanie Steinmetz, Ana Slavec, Kea Tijdens, Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Pablo de Pedraza, Alina Popescu, Ana Belchior, Andreas Birg... WEBDATANET: Innovation and Quality in Web-Based Data Collection International Journal of Internet Science , 9(1), pp64-71
  2013 Gilmartin, Emer and Francesca Bonin and Carl Vogel and Nick Campbell Exploring the Role of Laughter in Multiparty Conversation DialDam: Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SEMDIAL2013), pp191-193
  2010 Liliana Mamani Sanchez, Baoli Li, Carl Vogel Exploiting CCG Structures with Tree Kernels for Speculation Detection CoNLL 2010: Shared Task--Fourteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, pp126-131
  2009 Julie Carson-Berndsen, Harold Somers, Carl Vogel and Andy Way Integrated Language Technology as part of Next Generation Localisation Localisation Focus: The International Journal of Localisation, 8(1), pp53-66

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