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Year Authors Title
  2025 Amirhossein Chalehchaleh, Martin M Winchester, Giovanni M Di Liberto Robust assessment of the cortical encoding of word-level expectations using the temporal response function Journal of Neural Engineering, 22(1)
  2025 Guilhem Marion, Fei Gao, Benjamin P Gold, Giovanni M Di Liberto, Shihab Shamma IDyOMpy: A new Python-based model for the statistical analysis of musical expectations Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 415, pp110347
  2024 Keshavarzi, Mahmoud and Di Liberto, Giovanni M and Gabrielczyk, Fiona and Wilson, Angela and Macfarlane, Annabel and Goswami,... Atypical speech production of multisyllabic words and phrases by children with developmental dyslexia Developmental science, 27(1). DOI:
  2024 Giovanni M Di Liberto, Aaron Nidiffer, Michael J Crosse, Nathaniel J Zuk, Stephanie Haro, Giorgia Cantisani, Martin M Winches... A standardised open science framework for sharing and re-analysing neural data acquired to continuous stimuli Neurons, Behavior, Data Analysis, and Theory
  2024 Sara Carta, Emina Ali¿kovi¿, Johannes Zaar, Alejandro López Valdés, Giovanni M Di Liberto Cortical encoding of phonetic onsets of both attended and ignored speech in hearing impaired individuals PLoS One, 19(11)
  2023 Klimovich-Gray Anastasi, Di Liberto Giovann, Amoruso Luci, Barrena Ande, Agirre Enek, Molinaro Nicol Increased top-down semantic processing in natural speech linked to better reading in dyslexia NeuroImage, 273, pp120072-. DOI:
  2023 Carta S, Mangiacotti AMA, Valdes AL, Reilly RB, Franco F, Di Liberto GM. The impact of temporal synchronisation imprecision on TRF analyses. Journal of neuroscience methods, 385, pp109765. DOI:
  2023 Giovanni M. Di Liberto, Adam Attaheri, Giorgia Cantisani, Richard B. Reilly, Áine Ní Choisdealbha, Sinead Rocha, Perrine Br... Emergence of the cortical encoding of phonetic features in the first year of life Nature Communications(14)
  2023 Tan, Sok Hui Jessica and Kalashnikova, Marina and Di Liberto, Giovanni M and Crosse, Michael J and Burnham, Denis Seeing a Talking Face Matters: Gaze Behavior and the Auditory-Visual Speech Benefit in Adults' Cortical Tracking of Infant-directed Speech Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 35(11), pp1741—1759. DOI:
  2022 Jessica Tan SH, Kalashnikova M, Di Liberto GM, Crosse MJ, Burnham D. Seeing a talking face matters: The relationship between cortical tracking of continuous auditory-visual speech and gaze behaviour in infants, children and adults. NeuroImage, 256, pp119217. DOI:
  2022 Attaheri A, Panayiotou D, Phillips A, Ní Choisdealbha Á, Di Liberto GM, Rocha S, Brusini P, Mead N, Flanagan S, Olawole-Sco... Cortical Tracking of Sung Speech in Adults vs Infants: A Developmental Analysis. Frontiers in neuroscience, 16, pp842447. DOI:
  2021 O'Sullivan, A.E., Crosse, M.J., Di Liberto, G.M., de Cheveigné, A., Lalor, E.C. Neurophysiological indices of audiovisual speech processing reveal a hierarchy of multisensory integration effects Journal of Neuroscience, 41(23), pp4991-5003
  2021 Broderick, M.P., Di Liberto, G.M., Anderson, A.J., Rofes, A., Lalor, E.C. Dissociable electrophysiological measures of natural language processing reveal differences in speech comprehension strategy in healthy ageing Scientific Reports, 11(1)
  2021 Di Liberto GM, Nie J, Yeaton J, Khalighinejad B, Shamma SA, Mesgarani N. Neural representation of linguistic feature hierarchy reflects second-language proficiency. NeuroImage, 227, pp117586. DOI:
  2021 Giovanni M. Di Liberto and Guilhem Marion and Shihab A. Shamma The music of silence. Part II: Music Listening Induces Imagery Responses The Journal of Neuroscience. DOI:
  2021 Giovanni M. Di Liberto and Michele Barsotti and Giovanni Vecchiato and Jonas Ambeck-Madsen and Maria Del Vecchio and Pietro A... Robust anticipation of continuous steering actions from electroencephalographic data during simulated driving Scientific Reports, 11(1). DOI:
  2021 Guilhem Marion and Giovanni M. Di Liberto and Shihab A. Shamma The Music of Silence. Part I: Responses to Musical Imagery Encode Melodic Expectations and Acoustics The Journal of Neuroscience. DOI:
  2021 Giovanni Di Liberto Accurate Decoding of Imagined and Heard Melodies Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15. DOI:
  2021 Di Liberto, Giovanni M and Marion, Guilhem and Shamma, Shihab A The Music of Silence: Part II: Music Listening Induces Imagery Responses The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 41(35), pp7449—7460. DOI:
  2020 Di Liberto, G.M., Pelofi, C., Shamma, S., de Cheveigné, A. Musical expertise enhances the cortical tracking of the acoustic envelope during naturalistic music listening Acoustical Science and Technology, 41(1), pp361-364
  2020 Broderick, M.P., Di Liberto, G.M., Anderson, A.J., Rofes, A., Lalor, E.C. Dissociable electrophysiological measures of natural language processing reveal differences in speech comprehension strategy in healthy ageing bioRxiv
  2020 Di Liberto, G.M., Nie, J., Yeaton, J., Khalighinejad, B., Shamma, S.A., Mesgarani, N. Neural representation of linguistic feature hierarchy reflects second-language proficiency bioRxiv
  2020 Attaheri, A., Choisdealbha, Á.N., Di Liberto, G.M., Rocha, S., Brusini, P., Mead, N., Olawole-Scott, H., Boutris, P., Gibbon... Delta- And theta-band cortical tracking and phase-amplitude coupling to sung speech by infants bioRxiv
  2020 Di Liberto, G.M., Pelofi, C., Bianco, R., Patel, P., Mehta, A.D., Herrero, J.L., de Cheveigné, A., Shamma, S., Mesgarani, N. Cortical encoding of melodic expectations in human temporal cortex eLife, 9
  2020 Aisling E. O¿Sullivan, Michael J. Crosse, Giovanni M. Di Liberto, Alain de Cheveigné, Edmund C. Lalor Neurophysiological indices of audiovisual speech integration are enhanced at the phonetic level for speech in noise
  2019 Di Liberto, G.M., Wong, D., Melnik, G.A., de Cheveigné, A. Low-frequency cortical responses to natural speech reflect probabilistic phonotactics NeuroImage, 196, pp237-247
  2019 Di Liberto, G.M., Pelofi, C., Bianco, R., Patel, P., Mehta, A.D., Herrero, J.L., de Cheveigné, A., Shamma, S., Mesgarani, N. Cortical encoding of melodic expectations in human temporal cortex bioRxiv
  2019 de Cheveigné, A., Di Liberto, G.M., Arzounian, D., Wong, D.D.E., Hjortkjær, J., Fuglsang, S., Parra, L.C. Multiway canonical correlation analysis of brain data NeuroImage, 186, pp728-740
  2018 Kalashnikova, M. and Peter, V. and Di Liberto, G.M. and Lalor, E.C. and Burnham, D. Infant-directed speech facilitates seven-month-old infants’ cortical tracking of speech Scientific Reports, 8(1). DOI:
  2018 Di Liberto, G.M., Wong, D., Melnik, G.A., de Cheveigné, A. Cortical responses to natural speech reflect probabilistic phonotactics bioRxiv
  2018 de Cheveigné, A. and Wong, D.E. and Di Liberto, G.M. and HjortkjÊr, J. and Slaney, M. and Lalor, E. Decoding the auditory brain with canonical component analysis NeuroImage, 172, pp206-216. DOI:
  2018 Broderick, M.P. and Anderson, A.J. and Di Liberto, G.M. and Crosse, M.J. and Lalor, E.C. Electrophysiological Correlates of Semantic Dissimilarity Reflect the Comprehension of Natural, Narrative Speech Current Biology, 28(5), pp803-809.e3. DOI:
  2018 Wong, D.D.E., Di Liberto, G.M., de Cheveigné, A. Accurate Modeling of Brain Responses to Speech bioRxiv
  2018 Di Liberto, G.M. and Peter, V. and Kalashnikova, M. and Goswami, U. and Burnham, D. and Lalor, E.C. Atypical cortical entrainment to speech in the right hemisphere underpins phonemic deficits in dyslexia NeuroImage, 175, pp70-79. DOI:
  2018 Di Liberto, G.M. and Lalor, E.C. and Millman, R.E. Causal cortical dynamics of a predictive enhancement of speech intelligibility NeuroImage, 166, pp247-258. DOI:
  2018 de Cheveigné, A., Di Liberto, G.M., Arzounian, D., Wong, D.D.E., Hjortkjær, J., Fuglsang, S., Parra, L.C. Multiway Canonical Correlation Analysis of Brain Signals bioRxiv
  2018 Di Liberto, G.M. and Crosse, M.J. and Lalor, E.C. Cortical measures of phoneme-level speech encoding correlate with the perceived clarity of natural speech eNeuro, 5(2). DOI:
  2018 Di Liberto, G.M., Wong, D., Melnik, G.A., de Cheveigné, A. Cortical responses to natural speech reflect probabilistic phonotactics bioRxiv. DOI:
  2017 O'Sullivan, A.E. and Crosse, M.J. and Di Liberto, G.M. and Lalor, E.C. Visual cortical entrainment to motion and categorical speech features during silent lipreading Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10(679). DOI:
  2017 Di Liberto, G.M. and Lalor, E.C. Indexing cortical entrainment to natural speech at the phonemic level: Methodological considerations for applied research Hearing Research, 348, pp70-77. DOI:
  2016 Di Liberto, G.M. and Lalor, E.C. Isolating neural indices of continuous speech processing at the phonetic level Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 894, pp337-345. DOI:
  2016 Di Liberto, G., Kadioglu, S., Leo, K., Malitsky, Y. DASH: Dynamic approach for switching heuristics Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9892 LNCS, pp886
  2016 Crosse, M.J. and Di Liberto, G.M. and Lalor, E.C. Eye can hear clearly now: Inverse effectiveness in natural audiovisual speech processing relies on long-term crossmodal temporal integration Journal of Neuroscience, 36(38), pp9888-9895. DOI:
  2016 Crosse, M.J. and Di Liberto, G.M. and Bednar, A. and Lalor, E.C. The multivariate temporal response function (mTRF) toolbox: A MATLAB toolbox for relating neural signals to continuous stimuli Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10. DOI:
  2016 Di Liberto, G., Kadioglu, S., Leo, K., Malitsky, Y. DASH: Dynamic approach for switching heuristics Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9892 LNCS, pp886
  2015 Di Liberto GM, O'Sullivan JA, Lalor EC Low-Frequency Cortical Entrainment to Speech Reflects Phoneme-Level Processing. Current biology : CB, 25(19), pp2457-65

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