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Technical Reports ( January 1996 - December 1996) - School of Computer Science and Statistics: Publications - Trinity College Dublin

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Technical Reports
( January 1996 - December 1996)

TCD-CS-96-24 An Object Oriented DSM Framework, Weber, S., & Nixon, P.A., December 1996 (In IEEE Frontiers of Parallel Computing).
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The Utility Problem Analysed: A Case-Based Reasoning Perspective, Smyth, B., & Cunningham, P., December 1996 (In I. Smyth & B. Faltings (Eds.), Advances in Case-Based Reasoning. Amsterdam: Springer Verlag).
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Adaptation-Guided Retrieval in EBMT: A Case-Based Approach to Machine Translation, Collins, B., & Cunningham, P., December 1996 (In I. Smyth & B. Faltings (Eds.), Advances in Case-Based Reasoning. Amsterdam: Springer Verlag).
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Scalable Secure Cash Payment for WWW Resources with the PayMe Protocol Set, Peirce, M., & O'Mahony, D., December 1996 (In World Wide Web Journal, 1, and Fourth International World Wide Web Conference Proceedings, Boston, USA ).
Fragile Creatures: Humour & Metaphor on a Catastrophic Knife-edge, Veale, T., & Keane, M.T., December 1996 (Versions appear in IWCH 96: International Workshop on Computional Humour. University of Twente: The Netherlands).
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Polysemy in Conceptual Combination: Testing the Constraint Theory of Combination, Costello, F., & Keane, M.T., December 1996 (In Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Stanford University, Calif., USA)
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Where do Soccer Moms Come From ?: Cognitive Constraints on Noun-Noun Compounding in English, Costello, F., & Keane, M.T., December 1996
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It's Your Choice: On Design and Implementation of a Flexible Metalevel Architecture, Zimmerman, C., & Cahill, V., September 1996 (In Proceedings of the International Conference on Configurable Distributed Systems, Annapolis, Maryland, USA).
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Meta-Object Protocols for C++: The Iguana Approach, Gowing, B., & Cahill, V., September 1996 (In Proceedings of Reflection '96, San Francisco, USA).
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An Overview of the Tigger Object-Support Operating System Framework Cahill, V., August 1996 (in Lecture Notes in Computer Science --SOFSEM'96: Thory & Practice of Informatics-- Vol 1175, pp34-55).
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Techniques for Handling Scale & Distribution in Virtual Worlds, O'Connell, K., Dinneen, T., Collins, S., Tangney, B., Harris, N., Cahill, V., August 1996 (in Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Connemara, Ireland)
What makes an analogy difficult ?: The effects of order and causal structure in analogical mapping, Keane, M.T., August 1996 (In Journal of Experimental Psychology: Language, Memory & Cognition.)
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Case-Based Reasoning in Scheduling: Reusing Solution Components, Cunningham, P., & Smyth, B., August 1996 (To appear in International Journal of Production Research).
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ISAC: A CBR System for Decision Support in Air Traffic Control, Bonzano, A., Cunningham, P., & Meckiff, C., August 1996 (In I. Smyth & B. Faltings (Eds.), Advances in Case-Based Reasoning. Amsterdam: Springer Verlag).
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Knowledge Engineering Requirements in Derivational Analogy, Cunningham, P., Finn, D., & Slattery, S., August 1996 (Also in Wess, S., Althoff, K-D., & Richter, M.M. (Eds.), Topics in Case-Based Reasoning. Amsterdam: Springer-Verlag).
Learning Adaptation Rules From a Case-base, Hanney, K., & Keane, M.T., August 1996 (In I. Smyth & B. Faltings (Eds.), Advances in Case-Based Reasoning. Amsterdam: Springer Verlag).
Representational Myopia in Metaphor, Veale, T., O'Donoghue, D., & Keane, M.T., August 1996 (In AAAI Workshop in Cognitive Modelling. UCLA, California).
Computability as a Limiting Cognitive Constraint: Complexity Concerns in Metaphor Comprehension About Which Cognitive Linguistics Should be Aware, Veale, T., O'Donoghue, D., Smyth, B., & Keane, M.T., August 1996 (To appear in Computational Linguistics: Cultural, Typological and Psychological Issues. Chicago: Chicago University Press).
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Active Surveillance Using Dynamic Background Subtraction, Dawson-Howe, K., August 1996
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Flexibility in Object-Oriented Operating Systems: A Review, Cahill, V., July 1996
TCD-CS-96-04 On the Inheritance of Monoid Properties in Indexed Structures, Donnelly, A.A., Gallagher, D., & Hughes, A.P., March 1996
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Concurrent Semantics for Structured Design Methods, Nixon, P., & Shi, L., February 1996 (Also in Jelly, I., Gordon, I., & Groll, P. Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems. London: Chapman Hall).
TCD-CS-96-02 An Algebraic Proof in VDM, Hughes, A.P., & Donnelly, A.A., February 1996
TCD-CS-96-01 Spatial Bounding of Linear Iterated Function System Attractor Sets, Rice, J., January 1996