Technical Reports
( January 1996 - December 1996)
TCD-CS-96-24 | An Object Oriented DSM Framework, Weber, S., & Nixon, P.A., December 1996 (In IEEE Frontiers of Parallel Computing). |
TCD-CS-96-23 Compressed Postscript (.gz) (84 Kb) |
The Utility Problem Analysed: A Case-Based Reasoning Perspective, Smyth, B., & Cunningham, P., December 1996 (In I. Smyth & B. Faltings (Eds.), Advances in Case-Based Reasoning. Amsterdam: Springer Verlag). |
TCD-CS-96-22 Compressed Postscript (.gz) (104 Kb) |
Adaptation-Guided Retrieval in EBMT: A Case-Based Approach to Machine Translation, Collins, B., & Cunningham, P., December 1996 (In I. Smyth & B. Faltings (Eds.), Advances in Case-Based Reasoning. Amsterdam: Springer Verlag). |
TCD-CS-96-21 PDF (92 Kb) |
Scalable Secure Cash Payment for WWW Resources with the PayMe Protocol Set, Peirce, M., & O'Mahony, D., December 1996 (In World Wide Web Journal, 1, and Fourth International World Wide Web Conference Proceedings, Boston, USA ). |
TCD-CS-96-20 |
Fragile Creatures: Humour & Metaphor on a Catastrophic Knife-edge, Veale, T., & Keane, M.T., December 1996 (Versions appear in IWCH 96: International Workshop on Computional Humour. University of Twente: The Netherlands). |
TCD-CS-96-19 PDF (28 Kb) |
Polysemy in Conceptual Combination: Testing the Constraint Theory of Combination, Costello, F., & Keane, M.T., December 1996 (In Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Stanford University, Calif., USA) |
TCD-CS-96-18 PDF (20 Kb) |
Where do Soccer Moms Come From ?: Cognitive Constraints on Noun-Noun Compounding in English, Costello, F., & Keane, M.T., December 1996 |
TCD-CS-96-17 PDF (204 Kb) |
It's Your Choice: On Design and Implementation of a Flexible Metalevel Architecture, Zimmerman, C., & Cahill, V., September 1996 (In Proceedings of the International Conference on Configurable Distributed Systems, Annapolis, Maryland, USA). |
TCD-CS-96-16 PDF (216 Kb) |
Meta-Object Protocols for C++: The Iguana Approach, Gowing, B., & Cahill, V., September 1996 (In Proceedings of Reflection '96, San Francisco, USA). |
TCD-CS-96-15 PDF (240 Kb) |
An Overview of the Tigger Object-Support Operating System Framework Cahill, V., August 1996 (in Lecture Notes in Computer Science --SOFSEM'96: Thory & Practice of Informatics-- Vol 1175, pp34-55). |
TCD-CS-96-14 PDF (160 Kb) |
Techniques for Handling Scale & Distribution in Virtual Worlds, O'Connell, K., Dinneen, T., Collins, S., Tangney, B., Harris, N., Cahill, V., August 1996 (in Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Connemara, Ireland) |
TCD-CS-96-13 |
What makes an analogy difficult ?: The effects of order and causal structure in analogical mapping, Keane, M.T., August 1996 (In Journal of Experimental Psychology: Language, Memory & Cognition.) |
TCD-CS-96-12 PDF (108 Kb) |
Case-Based Reasoning in Scheduling: Reusing Solution Components, Cunningham, P., & Smyth, B., August 1996 (To appear in International Journal of Production Research). |
TCD-CS-96-11 PDF (56 Kb) |
ISAC: A CBR System for Decision Support in Air Traffic Control, Bonzano, A., Cunningham, P., & Meckiff, C., August 1996 (In I. Smyth & B. Faltings (Eds.), Advances in Case-Based Reasoning. Amsterdam: Springer Verlag). |
TCD-CS-96-10 PDF (80 Kb) |
Knowledge Engineering Requirements in Derivational Analogy, Cunningham, P., Finn, D., & Slattery, S., August 1996 (Also in Wess, S., Althoff, K-D., & Richter, M.M. (Eds.), Topics in Case-Based Reasoning. Amsterdam: Springer-Verlag). |
TCD-CS-96-09 |
Learning Adaptation Rules From a Case-base, Hanney, K., & Keane, M.T., August 1996 (In I. Smyth & B. Faltings (Eds.), Advances in Case-Based Reasoning. Amsterdam: Springer Verlag). |
TCD-CS-96-08 |
Representational Myopia in Metaphor, Veale, T., O'Donoghue, D., & Keane, M.T., August 1996 (In AAAI Workshop in Cognitive Modelling. UCLA, California). |
TCD-CS-96-07 |
Computability as a Limiting Cognitive Constraint: Complexity Concerns in Metaphor Comprehension About Which Cognitive Linguistics Should be Aware, Veale, T., O'Donoghue, D., Smyth, B., & Keane, M.T., August 1996 (To appear in Computational Linguistics: Cultural, Typological and Psychological Issues. Chicago: Chicago University Press). |
TCD-CS-96-06 PDF (436 Kb) |
Active Surveillance Using Dynamic Background Subtraction, Dawson-Howe, K., August 1996 |
TCD-CS-96-05 PDF (280 Kb) |
Flexibility in Object-Oriented Operating Systems: A Review, Cahill, V., July 1996 |
TCD-CS-96-04 | On the Inheritance of Monoid Properties in Indexed Structures, Donnelly, A.A., Gallagher, D., & Hughes, A.P., March 1996 |
TCD-CS-96-03 PDF (164 Kb) |
Concurrent Semantics for Structured Design Methods, Nixon, P., & Shi, L., February 1996 (Also in Jelly, I., Gordon, I., & Groll, P. Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems. London: Chapman Hall). |
TCD-CS-96-02 | An Algebraic Proof in VDM, Hughes, A.P., & Donnelly, A.A., February 1996 |
TCD-CS-96-01 | Spatial Bounding of Linear Iterated Function System Attractor Sets, Rice, J., January 1996 |