Technical Reports
(January 1993 - December 1993)
TCD-CS-93-39 PDF (96 Kb) Abstract | On Mapped Reduction. Butterfield, A., April 1993 |
TCD-CS-93-38 PDF (176 Kb) Abstract | A VDM Study of Fault-Tolerant Stable Storage - Towards a Computer Engineering Mathematics. Butterfield, A., April 1993 (Also in FME '93 : Industrial Strength Formal Methods. pp 216-234, Odense, Denmark, April 1993, Springer-Verlag.) |
TCD-CS-93-37 PDF (272 Kb) Abstract | Amadeus Report. Cahill, V., Baker, S., Horn, C., & Starovic, G. December 1993 (Also in OOPSLA '93 Conference Proceedings pp. 144-161). |
TCD-CS-93-36 PDF (248 Kb) Abstract | Eiffel**: An Implementation of Eiffel on Amadeus, a Persistent, Distributed Applications Support Environment. McHugh, C., & Cahill, V., April 1993 |
TCD-CS-93-35 PDF (44 Kb) Abstract | Sharing Objects in a Distributed System. Judge, A., & Cahill, V., December 1993 This paper also appears in Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems, pages 136-140, Asheville, North Carolina. IEEE Computer Socitey Press, December 1993 |
TCD-CS-93-34 Compressed Postscript (.gz) (92 Kb) Abstract | The Commandos Supported Programming Languages. Walsh, B., Taylor, P., McHugh, C., Rivelli, M., Cahill, V., & Balter, R., December 1993 (Also in Chapter 4 of The Comandos Distributed Application Platform. Cahill, V., Balter, R., Harris, N., and Rousset dePina, X. (Ed.s), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993). |
TCD-CS-93-33 Compressed Postscript (.gz) (68 Kb) Abstract | Interfacing a Language to the Commandos Virtual Machine. McHugh, C., & Cahill, V., December 1993 (Also in Chapter 11 of The Comandos Distributed Application Platform. Cahill, V., Balter, R., Harris, N., and Rousset dePina, X. (Ed.s), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993). |
TCD-CS-93-32 PDF (336 Kb) Abstract | Implementing the Comandos Virtual Machine. Cahill, V., Taylor, P., Starovic, G., Tangney, B., O'Grady, D., Lea, R., Jacquemot, C., Strarup-Jensen, P., Amaral, P., Mirowski, A., Loveduck, J., Laribi, Y., Rousset dePina, X., & Sousa, P., December 1993 (Also in Chapter 10 of The Comandos Distributed Application Platform. Cahill, V., Balter, R., Harris, N., and Rousset dePina, X. (Ed.s), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993). |
TCD-CS-93-31 PDF (252 Kb) Abstract | The Careful Memory abstraction in Stable Storage. Butterfield, A., April 1993 |
TCD-CS-93-30 PDF (216 Kb) Abstract | Microeconomic Theory Applied to Distributed Systems. Clarke, D., & Tangney, B., December 1993 |
TCD-CS-93-29 PDF (152 Kb) Abstract | Design Synthesis: A Model of Hierarchical Case-Based Reasoning. Smyth, B., Finn, D. & Keane, M.T., December 1993 |
TCD-CS-93-28 PDF (100 Kb) Abstract | Adaptation as a Selection Constraint on Analogical Mapping. Keane, M.T., December 1993 (Also in A. Ram & K. Eiselt (1994) (Eds.), Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum). |
TCD-CS-93-27 | A Connectionist Model of Semantic Memory for Metaphor Interpretation. Veale, T., & Keane, M.T., November 1993 (Also in Proceedings of Workshop on Neural Architectures and Distributed Artificial Intelligence. Centre for Neural Engineering, University of Southern California, USA). |
TCD-CS-93-26 Compressed tarfile (.gz) (56 Kb) | Implementing a Secure Network Service Using ISODE 8.0 and OSISEC. Tewari, H., & O'Mahony, D., November 1993 |
TCD-CS-93-25 PDF (144 Kb) Abstract | The Cognitive Processes Underlying Complex Analogies. Keane, M.T. October 1993 (Also in Ricerche Di Psicologia, 17(2), 9-36.). |
TCD-CS-93-24 PDF (244 Kb) Abstract | Constraints on Analogical Mapping: A Comparison of Three Models. Keane, M.T., Ledgeway, T. & Duff, S., October 1993 (substantial revision of TCD-CS-92-08; Also to appear in Cognitive Science). |
TCD-CS-93-23 PDF (68 Kb) Abstract | Complexity of Adaptation in Real-World Case-Based Reasoning Systems. Smyth, B. & Cunningham, P., September 1993 (Also in Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Science VI, Belfast: Queens University Press). |
TCD-CS-93-22 PDF (48 Kb) Abstract | Using CBR Techniques to Detect Plagiarism in Computing Assignments. Cunningham, P., & Mikoyan, A.N., September 1993 (Also in Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, Kaiserslauten, Germany). |
TCD-CS-93-21 PDF (84 Kb) Abstract | Knowledge Engineering Requirements in Derivational Analogy. Cunningham, P., Slattery, S., & Finn, D., September 1993 (Also in Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, Kaiserslauten, Germany). |
TCD-CS-93-20 PDF (44 Kb) Abstract | Modelling of Engineering Thermal Problems: An Implementation using CBR with Derivational Analogy. Finn, D., Slattery, S., & Cunningham, P., September 1993 (Also in Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, Kaiserslauten, Germany). |
TCD-CS-93-19 PDF (208 Kb) Abstract | Flexible Multi-Sensor Inspection System for Solder-Joint Analysis. Lacey, G., Waldron, R., Dinten, J-M., & Lilly, F., September 1993 (Also in Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration II, SPIE Conference No. 2064). |
TCD-CS-93-18 PDF (172 Kb) Abstract | Removing the Epistemological Bias from Empirical Observation of Neural Models. Waldron, R. September 1993 (Also in Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Nagoya, Japan). |
TCD-CS-93-17 PDF (136 Kb) Abstract | Multi-Sensor Fusion to Provide Quantitative Process Characterisation. Lacey, G., & Waldron, R., September 1993 (Also in Proceedings of the Second International Conference Dedicated to Image Communication). |
TCD-CS-93-16 Compressed Postscript (.gz) (8 Kb) Abstract | Effective Retrieval in Hospital Information Systems. Nangle, B., & Keane, M.T., September 1993 (Also to appear in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine). |
TCD-CS-93-15 PDF (36 Kb) Abstract | Unemployment: A Technologist's Perspective. Algeo, D., September 1993 (Also in Studies). |
TCD-CS-93-14 Abstract | 3-D Object Pose Determination. Brophy, C., Dawson, K., & O'Neill, P., July 1993 1993 (Also in Proceedings of Image'Com '93, Bordeaux, France). |
TCD-CS-93-12 | A Gesture Simulation Language. Watson, R. July 1993 |
TCD-CS-93-11 PDF (268 Kb) Abstract | A Survey of Gesture Recognition Techniques. Watson, R. July 1993 |
TCD-CS-93-10 Abstract | The Proper Treatment of Case-Based Planning. Smyth, B., & Keane, M.T. July 1993 |
TCD-CS-93-09 | Proceedings of the First Irish Computer Graphics Workshop. Collins, S., (Ed) June 1993 |
TCD-CS-93-08 | A Technique for Monomodal Histogram Thresholding, Mahon, J., June 1993 |
TCD-CS-93-07 | Sub-Pixel Resolution for Low Cost SMT Component Placement Inspection Systems, Mahon, J. & Gunning, J., June 1993 |
TCD-CS-93-06 | The Simulation of a Simple Chaotic Dynamical System Using Walsh Functions, Crane, M., June 1993 (Also in gz. angew. Math. Mech., 73, 4-5). |
TCD-CS-93-05 Abstract | TuRTLe Language Reference Manual, Courtney, A., June 1993 |
TCD-CS-93-04 PDF (80 Kb) Abstract | Retrieval Issues in CBR Systems for Routine and Non-Routine Design, Cunningham, P., Smyth, B., Finn, D., & Cahill, E., June 1993 (Also in IJCAI Workshop on Re-Use of Designs, Chambery, France). |
TCD-CS-93-03 Abstract | XACSE: Connection Set-up for Broadband Services Using Generic QoS Parameters, McGlinchey, D., May 1993 (Also in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Broadband Islands, Athens, Greece, pp.207-210). |
TCD-CS-93-02 Abstract | An Optical Hand Pose Tracking System. O'Neill, P., Dawson, K., & Vernon, D., March 1993 (Also in Proceedings of IMAGE 'COM '93, Bordeaux, France). |
TCD-CS-93-01 Compressed Postscript (.gz) (84 Kb) Abstract | Text Analysis in Office Systems, Howe, J., & Hederman, L., January 1993 |